Betreft: RE: [AccessD] Working on a db at home and at work th at isinSourc eSafe at work.

Bobby Heid bheid at
Thu Apr 24 10:23:53 CDT 2003

Thanks Marcel.  I'll give it a go.


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at
[mailto:accessd-bounces at]On Behalf Of
marcel.vreuls at
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 8:26 AM
To: accessd at
Subject: Betreft: RE: [AccessD] Working on a db at home and at work that
isinSourc eSafe at work.

Hi Bobby,

In my opinion it is the same. I also have a access FE in sourcesafe. It
contains al lot of forms, queries and modules.
First you have to check out the complete FE database localy.
Than check everything in sourcesafe. (this seems ridiculas, but in our
experiences this is the 100% proof way to make sure you have got everything
and the latest versions)
Than check those forms, mods, queries in you do not need. In case of access
you have to leave the database part checkout out otherwise you cannot
change anything.

Access is nothing else for sourcesafe than a vb project. If you look
through explorer in your project directorie you will see that every object
in access is saved in a seperate file.

Else let me know what your specifik problems are. Perhaps I can give you a
more specif solution. But there are ways!! We are working in a team of 20
developers and very often with 2 or 3 developers on one access front end.

Gr. marcel

Bobby Heid <bheid at> op 24-04-2003

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Onderwerp:     RE: [AccessD] Working on a db at home and at work that is
      inSourc  eSafe at work.

Thanks Marcel.

The problem is that this is an Access FE database.  Which is one file, but
SourceSafe allows you to check out individual forms, etc.  That's why I am
not sure how I can do what I need to do.


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at
[mailto:accessd-bounces at]On Behalf Of
marcel.vreuls at
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 7:43 AM
To: accessd at
Subject: RE: [AccessD] Working on a db at home and at work that is
inSourceSafe at work.

Hi Bobby,

I am working the following way. On the office we have a huge SourceSafe
database (>7 GB sources). I am living in a area with a lot of traffic so
very often I wil work at home rather than standing in a trafficjam.

What I do is the following. I check out the complete database oo
visualbasic project I am working on or planning to work on. So with this I
am SURE I have everything I need on my PC. Than I check in the parts I do
not want to change but I need to work on the project. This makes it for my
collegues possible to change these parts and I have a full version for
debugging and testing. If i keep them checked out nobody can change these
parts. Could by an option but not in our case.

The situation is than that I have the complete project on my PC, Zipdisk,
Laptop or whatever medium i would like. And have only those parts checked
out which i am planning to work on. At home I work...and work....and break....:-). The next day or week I will come back into
the office and check in my changes into the sourcesafe.
If you take the sources home on cd you will have offcourse have to copy
them to the orginal location on your office pc and then check in.

It works like a charm with the following drawbacks
- if you need to change a part of the software which you did not checked
out you cannot change it. There are ways with merging and so on but we have
less experience with this.
- Mostly you do not know if your collegues have changed something. So
checking in and doublecheck for changes have to be done.

The alternative is a dailup line with the office. Check out the parts you
need. Drop the phone Then dailin again and
check in the changes.

Gr . marcel

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