[AccessD] Deploying 3 different versions - addendum

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu Aug 14 17:30:29 CDT 2003

On 14 Aug 2003 at 15:32, Brindza Ervin wrote:

>   Hi,
>   I have a simple problem. My customer needs to deploy my application in 3 versions(Access97 Access2000 and AccessXP) to his "subcustomers" on CD disc.
>   Can anyone share some idea how to do this? I think that 3 folders(A97, A2k and AXP) can contain  their own .MDE files, but it was the most suitable if I can handle:
>   - detect the OS;
>   Sorry, instead of detecting the Os, I need to detect the version of the Office ...
>   Ervin

To detect the current version of Access (not Office - you may run 
into a system with multiple versions of Office/Access and you need 
the current default Access version) , look for the registry key 

It will be "Access.Application.x" where x is the version number.

Lexacorp Ltd
Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System Support.

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