[AccessD] Copy a Form with security to new DB:

Charlotte Foust cfoust at infostatsystems.com
Mon Aug 18 11:06:28 CDT 2003

It sounds like you've run into the issue that crops up with A2k and any
of the 2002 apps on the same machine.  That error is usually a giveaway
that you've got corruption as a result of the vbe6.dll installed by the
2002 apps.  Do you have SR-3 of O2k?  That was supposed to have patched
the 2000 Access executable for that problem.
Charlotte Foust

	-----Original Message-----
	From: Ron Moore [mailto:rmoore at comtechpst.com] 
	Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 7:41 AM
	To: accessD at databaseadvisors.com
	Subject: [AccessD] Copy a Form with security to new DB:

	I'm trying to copy &/or export a form (navigation - no
tables/queries referenced) from a A2K DB with M$ group-user level
security (logged in with admin SID) to a new A2K DB (cannot import due
to security).  The .mdw file is on the LAN.  After exporting I try to
open form and get the error: "Error accessing file.  Network Access may
have been lost."  I get the same error when I try to view the code
behind the form.


	Do I have to create a new form from scratch and copy code to
bypass the security?


	Ron Moore

	Sr. Database Administrator

	Comtech PST Corp.



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