[AccessD] Circle method

Susan Harkins harkins at iglou.com
Fri Aug 29 19:45:21 CDT 2003

> How does he "take your code"?  Does he create a report and then paste
> the code in or is he pasting your report into a database as a new
> report?
> Check the various Scalexxxxxxx settings on the Reports you are
> pasting the code into.  It certainly sounds as though one or more of
> them is different (probably as a result of a different default Report
> format.

======OK, we'll take a look at that -- the report margins, etc. are the
same -- that much is similar. As for "take your code" -- I simply mean he
recreates it and runs it in his own demo to make sure it actually works as I
claim. Thanks!

Susan H.

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