[AccessD] Access Toolbars

Ken Ismert KIsmert at TexasSystems.com
Fri Dec 5 14:09:17 CST 2003


This is my second try. The first email didn't make it, somehow.

Here are some routines I have written that may help.

* ShowMenuBar hides/shows the main menu bar
* ShowCommandBars displays all menu bars, and lets you search for a name
* ShowCBarControls displays all controls for a specified menu bar


* You will need a reference to the Microsoft Office Object Library,
appropriate to the version you're using
* These routines will work in almost any Office program.

- Ken


Public Sub ShowMenuBar(fVisible As Boolean)

    Dim cBar As Office.CommandBar

    Set cBar = CommandBars("Menu Bar")

    cBar.Visible = fVisible

End Sub

Public Sub ShowCommandBars(Optional strLike As String = "*")

    Dim strOut As String
    Dim cBar As Office.CommandBar

    If Right$(strLike, 1) <> "*" Then
        strLike = strLike & "*"
    End If

    strOut = "CommandBars" & IIf(strLike = "*", ": ", " Like '" & strLike &
"':") & vbCr & vbCr

    For Each cBar In Application.CommandBars
        If cBar.Name Like strLike Then
            strOut = strOut & cBar.Name & ";  Index:=" & cBar.Index & ";
Type:=" & cBar.Type & vbCr
        End If

    MsgBox strOut

End Sub

Public Sub ShowCBarControls(CBarName As String)

    Dim strOut As String
    Dim ctl As Office.CommandBarControl
    Dim cBar As Office.CommandBar

    On Error GoTo HandleErr

    Set cBar = Application.CommandBars(CBarName)

    strOut = cBar.Name & " Controls: " & vbCr & vbCr

    For Each ctl In cBar.Controls
        strOut = strOut & ctl.Caption & ";  ID-" & ctl.ID & ";  Type-" &
ctl.Type & vbCr

    MsgBox strOut

    Exit Sub

    strOut = "Commandbar '" & CBarName & "' not found."
    Resume Resume_ShowControls
End Sub


-----Original Message-----
From: paul.hartland at fsmail.net [mailto:paul.hartland at fsmail.net]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 4:56 AM
To: accessd
Subject: [AccessD] Access Toolbars

To all,

For the life of me I can’t see how to hide an Access toolbar via VBA code, I
’m pretty sure you can do it.  Basically I want to hide all the built in
Access toolbars when the user logs into the application, and only display my
custom ones.

Could somebody please save my brainache and tell e how to do this


Thanks in advance (once more forever in debt to the list)

Paul Hartland
Database Designer/Developer.
Freeserve AnyTime - HALF PRICE for the first 3 months - Save £7.50 a month
www.freeserve.com/anytimeFrom paul.hartland at fsmail.net Thu Dec  4 05:12:00

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