[AccessD] new languages was: multi-platform ASP

Seth Galitzer sgsax at ksu.edu
Tue Feb 11 16:57:00 CST 2003

Here's what I think about your denegration of non-VB code and IDE's:


PHP uses a different syntax and structure from VB.  You knew that when
you started, so why complain about it?  If you read the documentation,
you whould have noticed that PHP is based on C/C++, Java, and Perl.  All
of these languages are case-sensitive and they use similar logical
comparison characters which are different from VB.  On a related note,
don't forget that == is a comparison operator and = is an assignment
operator in any of these (at least I think).  You call youself a
programmer, you should know that.  If you want to live in a VB World,
then stick to VB, VBA, VBScript, and ASP, and leave everything else to
people who are willing to write cross-platform-ish code.

<removing tongue from cheek>

On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 16:05, Drew Wutka wrote:
> Sorry for the late reply, been moving this weekend! <phew...more like
> arg....>
> Don't get me started Brett! <VBG>  First of all, what demented whacko
> decided that != is 'not equal'?  ! is for factorial.  How does that turn an
> equal sign into a 'not equal' sign.  However, <> does make mathematical
> sense, because something cannot be both less then, and greater then another
> number, so it represents an inequality...at least more then a factorial
> does!
> As far as the 'A' versus 'a', well, I supposed that if I just kept my
> fingers away from the shift key, it would be a moot point.  But, I give
> higher makes to a development environment that helps you code.
> In a VBE, if you go:
> Dim strTemp As String
> Then later you write:
> sttemp="Hello"
> When you go to the next line, and you don't see your variables 'capitalize',
> you can take a second and go back to fix them, instead of wasting time
> debugging a simple typo....
> Drew

Seth Galitzer			sgsax at ksu.edu
Computing Specialist		http://puma.agron.ksu.edu/~sgsax
Dept. of Plant Pathology
Kansas State University

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