[AccessD] OT: ASP & ADO

Bob Gajewski bob at renaissancesiding.com
Tue Feb 18 08:36:01 CST 2003


I won't even begin to suggest that I have the slightest clue about ASP, but 
I do know that the greater-than and less-than symbols are identified by 
> and < in HTML.

Maybe that will help ...

Bob Gajewski

On Tuesday, February 18, 2003 08:45 AM, Roz Clarke 
[SMTP:roz.clarke at donnslaw.co.uk] wrote:
> Hi all
> I need to port some code from an Access form into an ASP page. I know 
> all about ASP so I don't even know where to begin, but the most immediate
> problem I'm having is that my WHERE statement in my ADO query contains < 
> > symbols, which of course won't work in the context of a web page. How 
> I get around this / can anyone recommend some reading material on ADO 
> in ASP?
> Thanks
> Roz
>  << File: ATT00013.htm >> 

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