[AccessD] select most recent

Eric Goetz EricGoetz at EGIsystems.com
Tue Feb 18 12:53:02 CST 2003

Hi Drew,


Wow! It's like magic. I would never have come up with this, especially
the part "TerritoryID=T1.TerritoryID". I still don't really understand
how it works. I've looked through all my books, but it seems my library
needs another book (to the astonishment of my wife!) Will you please
suggest a book that explains this type of query?






-----Original Message-----
From: Drew Wutka [mailto:DWUTKA at marlow.com] 
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 9:33 PM
To: 'accessd at databaseadvisors.com'
Subject: RE: [AccessD] select most recent


Okay, I built tblTest.  It has ManagerID, TerritoryID and DateAssigned
as you have below.  Then I used this SQL statement to produce the
results you want:


Select ManagerID, TerritoryID, DateAssigned

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