[AccessD] OT: Finders fees anyone?

Steven W. Erbach serbach at new.rr.com
Wed Jul 16 08:14:44 CDT 2003


Very interesting. I hadn't thought of the government angle, rabid
libertarian that I am. You know, have as little to do with the government as
possible, eh?

>> Generally you had to be a firm of 20-25 programmers to get this <<

Well...we're a mom-and-pop programming shop. Since we're going to talk to a
commercial staffing firm rather than the guvmint, that kind of bigness might
not be an issue.

>> One group paid me finders fees on non
government contracts but this was generally less than 1 or 2% of the
contract value. <<

Hmmm, 1 or 2% certainly looks better on the bottom line than 10 or 15%. I
was thinking along the lines of a sales commission-type deal, though. 1% of
a $20,000 contract is $200. I'm afraid that that wouldn't tempt anybody.

Thanks for your comments.


Steve Erbach
Scientific Marketing
Neenah, WI

"Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits." - Mark Twain

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