martyconnelly at
Sun Mar 9 12:24:00 CST 2003
Here is a hint or suggestion from Michael Kaplan "For linked tables, there is a LOT of info cached by Jet in the link as an optimization. However, sometimes backend changes are made and that cached info is not invalidated as it should be, and it causes a huge perf hit as Jet tries things that fail (at which point I have seen cases where even RefreshLink would not totally make this work right)." "The fix? If this is the problem? You should completely delete the links in the frontend, then after making sure you have recently defraged then compacted the backend and frontend, relink all the tables." I guess the defrag is optional but not the compacts. Robert Gracie wrote: > Ok, I'm not sure if it's ok to post this here, but the forums have been >down for a while now, and need to find a solution.... > > I have been working with V2 and have run into a situation that I can't seem >to get a handle on, and can't seemed to find any rhyme or reason to.. > >Sequence of operations (Network) Win 98,ME,XP A2K > >1. User starts new program with the BEU performing it operations, with out >flaw,(a new table). >2. 99% of the time, the machine that runs the new program for the first time >has no problems. >3. User loads new version on the **other** machines, and fires it up (the >same User (permissions) as the first), and then performs the re-link >process. >4. When completed the user re-starts (I shut the program down after >relinking) the program and they start getting errors, because the new >table(s) were not refreshed during the re-linking (this is what I'm >assuming). This takes place about 40-50% of the time.. > >The table that has been added is written to on startup, to log the user, >machine name, etc.., and the error is in regards to not being able to find >the table that is missing. > >I can't seem to get a handle on this, does anyone have any idea where I >should look? > >Thanks A Million! > >Robert Gracie > > >