[AccessD] Emulating a splitter control

Heenan, Lambert Lambert.Heenan at AIG.com
Mon Mar 10 15:11:00 CST 2003

Suggest that both the Treeview control and the listbox need to have a
Mouse_Move event that will set the mouse point to the standard one - perhaps
even the Form's detail, header and footer sections too.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Bruce Bruen [SMTP:bbruen at bigpond.com]
> Sent:	Monday, March 10, 2003 3:59 PM
> To:	AccessD
> Subject:	[AccessD] Emulating a splitter control
> Goodmorning list!
> I am trying to emulate the standard splitter control - treeview on the
> left, listview on the right and a rectangle between to act as a grabber
> bar.
> The effect works OK in the main but the mousepointer is giving me grief.
> If I move the cursor off the rectangle either too quickly or off the top
> into the header, it remains as a left-right arrow and doesn't revert to
> a normal pointer.
> Has anyone got any ideas on this?  The entire code follows -
> Dim boolDragOn As Boolean
> Dim minsize As Integer
> Dim maxsize As Integer
> Dim intheight As Integer
> Dim intwidth As Integer
> Const initFormWidth = 20
> Const initFormHeight = 10
> Const initSplitRatio = 0.2
> Private Sub Form_Close()
>     Screen.MousePointer = 0
> End Sub
> Private Sub Form_Deactivate()
>     Screen.MousePointer = 0
> End Sub
> Private Sub Form_LostFocus()
>     Screen.MousePointer = 0
> End Sub
> Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
>     intwidth = 567 * initFormWidth      '567 twips per cm multiplied by
> cm width
>     intheight = 567 * initFormHeight    '567 twips per cm mulitplied by
> cm height
>     Me.trvMain.Left = 0
>     Me.trvMain.Top = 0
>     Me.splitbar.Left = 0
>     Me.splitbar.Top = 0
>     Me.lvwMain.Left = 0
>     Me.lvwMain.Top = 0
>     Me.Width = intwidth
>     Me.Detail.Height = intheight
>     Me.trvMain.Height = intheight
>     Me.lvwMain.Height = intheight
>     Me.splitbar.Height = intheight
>     Me.trvMain.Width = (intwidth - 66) * initSplitRatio
>     Me.splitbar.Left = Me.trvMain.Width + 1
>     Me.splitbar.Width = 64
>     Me.lvwMain.Left = Me.splitbar.Left + Me.splitbar.Width + 1
>     Me.lvwMain.Width = Me.Width - (Me.trvMain.Width + 64)
> '    Me.Move 300, 300, Me.Width, Me.Detail.Height
>     DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSizeToFitForm
>     minsize = 300
>     maxsize = 300
> End Sub
> Private Sub Form_Resize()
> Dim ctl As Control
>     intheight = Me.InsideHeight - Me.FormHeader.Height -
> Me.FormFooter.Height
>     For Each ctl In Me.Detail.Controls
>         ctl.Height = bMax(intheight, 0)
>     Next ctl
>     Me.Detail.Height = bMax(intheight, 0)
>     Me.lvwMain.Width = bMax(Me.InsideWidth - Me.trvMain.Width - 364,
> 100)
>     intwidth = Me.trvMain.Width + Me.splitbar.Width + Me.lvwMain.Width +
> 2
>     Me.Width = intwidth
> End Sub
> Private Sub splitbar_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As
> Single, Y As Single)
>     boolDragOn = True
>     Me.splitbar.BackColor = 5348410
> End Sub
> Private Sub splitbar_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As
> Single, Y As Single)
>  '==================TRYING TO RESET THE POINTER HERE============   
>     If X > 0 And X < 35 Then
>         Screen.MousePointer = 9
>     Else
>         Screen.MousePointer = 0
>     End If
>  '=============================================================   
>     If boolDragOn Then
>         If (Me.trvMain.Width + X) > minsize _
>         And (Me.lvwMain.Width - X) > maxsize Then
>             Me.splitbar.Left = Me.splitbar.Left + X
>             Me.trvMain.Width = Me.trvMain.Width + X
>             If X < 0 Then
>                 Me.lvwMain.Left = Me.lvwMain.Left + X
>                 Me.lvwMain.Width = Me.lvwMain.Width - X
>             Else
>                 Me.lvwMain.Width = Me.lvwMain.Width - X
>                 Me.lvwMain.Left = Me.lvwMain.Left + X
>             End If
>         Else
>             X = 0
>         End If
>     End If
> End Sub
> Private Sub splitbar_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As
> Single, Y As Single)
>     boolDragOn = False
>     Me.splitbar.BackColor = -2147483633
>     Screen.MousePointer = 0
> End Sub
> Public Function bMax(v1, v2) As Variant
>     If v1 > v2 Then
>         bMax = v1
>     Else
>         bMax = v2
>     End If
> End Function
> Thanks in advance
> Bruce
> ---
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