Brett Barabash
BBarabash at
Wed Mar 12 13:54:00 CST 2003
>Brett, >That's a good idea. Do you have some code you can send me that I can start >with? Since this is definitely on-topic, I'm posting this to the list. Here goes: Normally, I keep the data source text file in a consistent location, and manually open the MailMerge data source in Word. Access has the built-in ability to export a table/query to a delimited file (there is even a "Mail Merge" option in the file type list). I use file I/O to do it instead, to allow me more control over where the data comes from (i.e. multiple queries). By default Word uses tabs as field delimiters and carriage returns as record delimiters. Some of my documents require embedded tabs and carriage returns, so I use tildes (~) as my field delimiters and carats (^) as my record delimiters. When you open the data source in the Word Mail Merge helper, it will ask you to specify these delimiters. Here is a routine I wrote to generate a Mail Merge data source based on any table or query: Public Sub CreateMergeDataSource(ByVal strTblQry As String, ByVal strFilePath As String) Const cFieldDelim = "~" Const cRecordDelim = "^" Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim fld As DAO.Field Dim lngFileNo As Long Dim strBuffer As String Set db = CurrentDb() Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strTblQry, dbOpenSnapshot) 'Initialize field name list (first line of data source) For Each fld In rs.Fields Select Case fld.Type Case dbGUID, dbLongBinary, dbMemo 'Do not include these types of fields Case Else strBuffer = strBuffer & Chr$(34) & fld.Name & Chr$(34) & cFieldDelim End Select Next fld strBuffer = strBuffer & cRecordDelim 'Loop through all records in source table/query Do Until rs.EOF For Each fld In rs.Fields Select Case fld.Type Case dbGUID, dbLongBinary, dbMemo 'Do not include these types of fields Case Else strBuffer = strBuffer & Chr$(34) & fld.Value & Chr$(34) & cFieldDelim End Select Next fld strBuffer = strBuffer & cRecordDelim rs.MoveNext Loop rs.Close 'Generate data source text file lngFileNo = FreeFile Open strFilePath For Output As #lngFileNo Print #lngFileNo, strBuffer Close #lngFileNo Set rs = Nothing Set db = Nothing End Sub