Henry Simpson
hsimpson88 at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 12 17:34:00 CST 2003
Here is some code that I've culled for finding bookmarks and writing field data to them together with a few ancilliary functions. The additional is for sorting queries and template names in the arrays prior to filling the callbacks. I cannot include all the code here as it is very extensive and I've culled some of the error handling. The code below is derived from a demo that I gave to a client and relies on a naming convention in the bookmark naming to match field data to bookmarks. If I were to include all the code for parsing out repeated use of the same field and parsing dates and other formatting, there would be a great deal more. One of the nice things that is done in the sample, and there may be a function or two missing, is that it checks the bookmarks and identifies any non matching bookmarks that the user has created. Note also that this uses a hard coded fixed query to get the fields that may be written. It is easily modified to point to other saved queries with broader or narrower collections of fields. First, the callback functions for the Doc template selection and Query selection templates. If the user does not select a query, a document is generated for the current Member record. Dim mstrTable As String 'Table of Primary Record to which docs are related, parsed from Opening Args Dim mlngFileID As Long 'Long PK of record from which Doc form is opened, parsed from Opening Args Dim mstrPath As String 'Path to File Folder based on Table and PK above and Path to BE Dim marDocNames As Variant 'Callback data array for Templates combo. Below path to Table Dim mlngIDot As Long 'Count of above Dim marQryNames As Variant 'Callback data array for Recipient Query combo Dim mlngIQry As Long 'Count of above Private Sub GetTemplates() 'Fills array with all template docs in the table's template folder for the template combo callback Dim strFileName As String Dim strFilePath As String strFilePath = fnDbPath & mstrTable & "\Templates\" strFileName = Dir(strFilePath & "*.Dot", vbDirectory) ReDim marDocNames(0, 0) Do While Len(strFileName) If Not (strFileName = ".." Or strFileName = ".") Then ReDim Preserve marDocNames(0, mlngIDot) marDocNames(0, mlngIDot) = Left$(strFileName, Len(strFileName) - 4) strFileName = Dir mlngIDot = mlngIDot + 1 End If Loop qSort marDocNames, 0, False, 0 End Sub Private Sub GetQuerys() 'Fills Array for combo query callback listing all queries in the database Dim strPrefix As String Dim db As DAO.Database Dim qdf As QueryDef Set db = CurrentDb strPrefix = "" 'removed, ordinarily a passed in parameter ReDim marQryNames(0, 0) For Each qdf In db.QueryDefs If Left$(qdf.Name, Len(strPrefix)) = strPrefix Then ReDim Preserve marQryNames(0, mlngIQry) marQryNames(0, mlngIQry) = qdf.Name mlngIQry = mlngIQry + 1 End If Next qSort marQryNames, 0, False, 0 db.Close Set db = Nothing Set qdf = Nothing End Sub Function Dot(fld As Control, ID As Variant, Row As Long, Col As Long, Code As Variant) As Variant 'Word template callback for cboDocType Dim ReturnVal As Variant ReturnVal = Null Select Case Code Case acLBInitialize ReturnVal = mlngIDot Case acLBOpen ReturnVal = Timer Case acLBGetRowCount ReturnVal = mlngIDot Case acLBGetColumnCount ReturnVal = 1 Case acLBGetColumnWidth ReturnVal = -1 Case acLBGetValue ReturnVal = marDocNames(0, Row) Case acLBGetFormat Case acLBEnd End Select Dot = ReturnVal End Function Function Qry(fld As Control, ID As Variant, Row As Long, Col As Long, Code As Variant) As Variant 'cboQuery filling function Dim ReturnVal As Variant ReturnVal = Null Select Case Code Case acLBInitialize ReturnVal = mlngIQry Case acLBOpen ReturnVal = Timer Case acLBGetRowCount ReturnVal = mlngIQry Case acLBGetColumnCount ReturnVal = 1 Case acLBGetColumnWidth ReturnVal = -1 Case acLBGetValue ReturnVal = marQryNames(0, Row) Case acLBGetFormat Case acLBEnd End Select Qry = ReturnVal End Function Private Sub cmdNewDoc_Click() Dim r As DAO.Recordset Dim r2 As DAO.Recordset Dim owdApp As Word.Application Dim owdDoc As Word.Document Dim strTemplate As String Dim owdBkm As Word.Bookmark Dim strFld As String Dim strFileName As String Dim lngTemp As Long Dim strFormat As String Dim strWrite As String Dim blnBkmChecked As Boolean If Len(Me.cboQuery) Then Set r2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(Me.cboQuery) If Not r2.EOF Then Do Until r2.EOF Set r = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT tblMember.*, Locale, Province, MemberType " & _ "FROM (tblProvince RIGHT JOIN (tblLocale RIGHT JOIN tblMember ON tblLocale." & _ "LocaleID = tblMember.LocaleID) ON tblProvince.ProvinceID = tblLocale.ProvinceID) " & _ "INNER JOIN tblMemberType ON tblMember.MemberTypeID = tblMemberType.MemberTypeID " & _ "WHERE ContactID = " & r2!ContactID) strTemplate = fnDbPath & mstrTable & "\Templates\" & Me.cboDocType & ".dot" If fnWordTemplate(owdApp, owdDoc, strTemplate) Then With owdDoc On Error Resume Next If blnBkmChecked = False Then fnCheckBookMarks r, owdDoc blnBkmChecked = True End If For Each owdBkm In owdDoc.Bookmarks If InStr(owdBkm.Name, "__") Then lngTemp = InStr(owdBkm.Name, "__") + 2 strFormat = Mid$(owdBkm.Name, lngTemp) strFld = Left(owdBkm.Name, InStr(owdBkm.Name, "_") - 1) strWrite = Format$(r(strFld), strFormat) ElseIf InStr(owdBkm.Name, "_") Then strFld = Left(owdBkm.Name, InStr(owdBkm.Name, "_") - 1) strWrite = r(strFld) Else strFld = owdBkm.Name strWrite = r(strFld) End If owdBkm.Select owdApp.Selection = strWrite Next End With If Me.chkMemberFolder = True Then strFileName = fnFileSuffix(fnDbPath & mstrTable & "\" & r2!ContactID & "\" & fnFileNameOK(Me.cboDocType)) & "doc" fnFolders mstrTable & "\" & r2!ContactID & "\" owdDoc.SaveAs strFileName If Len(Dir(strFileName)) = 0 Then MsgBox "File Save Error. Can't save " & strFileName End If End If If Me.chkGroupFolder = True Then fnFolders mstrTable & "\" & Me.cboQuery & "\" strFileName = fnFileSuffix(fnDbPath & mstrTable & "\" & Me.cboQuery & "\" & fnFileNameOK(r!FirstName & " " & r!LastName & "-" & Me.cboDocType)) & "doc" owdDoc.SaveAs strFileName If Len(Dir(strFileName)) = 0 Then MsgBox "File Save Error. Can't save " & strFileName End If End If If Me.chkPrint = True Then owdDoc.PrintOut End If If Me.chkOpenDocs = False Then owdDoc.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges End If strFileName = fnFileSuffix(fnDbPath & mstrTable & "\" & r!FirstName & " " & r!LastName & "-" & fnFileNameOK(Me.cboDocType)) & "doc" owdDoc.SaveAs strFileName If Len(Dir(strFileName)) = 0 Then MsgBox "File Save Error. Can't save " & strFileName End If End If owdApp.Visible = True r2.MoveNext Loop End If Else Set r = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT tblMember.*, Locale, Province, MemberType " & _ "FROM (tblProvince RIGHT JOIN (tblLocale RIGHT JOIN tblMember ON tblLocale." & _ "LocaleID = tblMember.LocaleID) ON tblProvince.ProvinceID = tblLocale.ProvinceID) " & _ "INNER JOIN tblMemberType ON tblMember.MemberTypeID = tblMemberType.MemberTypeID " & _ "WHERE ContactID = " & mlngFileID) strTemplate = fnDbPath & mstrTable & "\Templates\" & Me.cboDocType & ".dot" If fnWordTemplate(owdApp, owdDoc, strTemplate) Then With owdDoc On Error Resume Next fnCheckBookMarks r, owdDoc For Each owdBkm In owdDoc.Bookmarks If InStr(owdBkm.Name, "__") Then lngTemp = InStr(owdBkm.Name, "__") + 2 strFormat = Mid$(owdBkm.Name, lngTemp) strFld = Left(owdBkm.Name, InStr(owdBkm.Name, "_") - 1) strWrite = Format$(r(strFld), strFormat) ElseIf InStr(owdBkm.Name, "_") Then strFld = Left(owdBkm.Name, InStr(owdBkm.Name, "_") - 1) strWrite = r(strFld) Else strFld = owdBkm.Name strWrite = r(strFld) End If owdBkm.Select owdApp.Selection = strWrite Next End With If Me.chkMemberFolder = True Then strFileName = fnFileSuffix(mstrPath & fnFileNameOK(Me.cboDocType)) & "doc" owdDoc.SaveAs strFileName If Len(Dir(strFileName)) = 0 Then MsgBox "File Save Error. Can't save " & strFileName Else Me.sfrmDocumentList.Form.AddToArray Mid$(strFileName, Len(mstrPath) + 1), FileLen(strFileName), "fax*" End If End If If Me.chkPrint = True Then owdDoc.PrintOut End If If Me.chkOpenDocs = False Then owdDoc.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges End If End If owdApp.Visible = True End If On Error Resume Next r.Close Set r = Nothing r2.Close Set r2 = Nothing Set owdDoc = Nothing Set owdApp = Nothing End Sub This code above is in a form with some of the check boxes I mentioned. It has combos that are filled by callback for templates in a location beneath the path to the table container file and a combo filled with queries with a prefixed naming convention. I culled out the prefix code. Function fnDbPath() As String Dim lngPos As Long Dim lngPosStrt As Long Dim lngPosExit As Long Dim strFile As String strFile = CurrentDb.Name lngPosStrt = 2 Do Until lngPosStrt = 1 lngPos = InStr(lngPosStrt, strFile, "\") lngPosStrt = lngPos + 1 If lngPosStrt <> 1 Then lngPosExit = lngPosStrt - 1 Loop fnDbPath = Left$(strFile, lngPosExit) End Function Public Function fnWordTemplate(owdApp As Word.Application, owdDoc As Word.Document, strTemplate As String, Optional blnClose As Boolean = False) As Boolean Dim lngCount As Long If Len(Dir(strTemplate)) Then fnReturnWord owdApp, blnClose lngCount = owdApp.Documents.Count Set owdDoc = owdApp.Documents.Add(Template:=strTemplate, newtemplate:=False) If owdApp.Documents.Count = lngCount + 1 Then fnWordTemplate = True Else MsgBox "Unable to create new document" End If Else MsgBox "The template file: " & strTemplate & _ " was not found. Unable to create document." Exit Function End If End Function Public Function fnCheckBookMarks(r As DAO.Recordset, owdDoc As Word.Document) Dim owdBkm As Word.Bookmark Dim strBkm() As String Dim lngI As Long Dim lngJ As Long Dim blnFound As Boolean ReDim strBkm(1, owdDoc.Bookmarks.Count - 1) For Each owdBkm In owdDoc.Bookmarks strBkm(0, lngI) = owdBkm.Name If InStr(owdBkm.Name, "__") Then strBkm(1, lngI) = Left(owdBkm.Name, InStr(owdBkm.Name, "_") - 1) ElseIf InStr(owdBkm.Name, "_") Then strBkm(1, lngI) = Left(owdBkm.Name, InStr(owdBkm.Name, "_") - 1) Else strBkm(1, lngI) = owdBkm.Name End If lngI = lngI + 1 Next For lngI = 0 To owdDoc.Bookmarks.Count - 1 For lngJ = 0 To r.Fields.Count - 1 If strBkm(1, lngI) = r(lngJ).Name Then blnFound = True Exit For Debug.Print lngI & " = " & lngJ End If Next If blnFound = False Then MsgBox strBkm(1, lngI) & " was not found in the recordset but is a bookmark in " & _ "the Template." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "This bookmark cannot be filled from the " & _ "recordset. It will require a query that returns a field with that name." End If blnFound = False Next End Function Function fnFixFileName(ByVal strIn As String, strMapIn As String, ByVal strMapOut As String) As String Dim IntI As Integer Dim intPos As Integer Dim strChar As String * 1 Dim strout As String If Len(strMapIn) > 0 Then If Len(strMapOut) > 0 Then strMapOut = Left$(strMapOut & String(Len(strMapIn), Right$(strMapOut, 1)), Len(strMapIn)) End If For IntI = 1 To Len(strIn) strChar = Mid$(strIn, IntI, 1) intPos = InStr(1, strMapIn, strChar) If intPos > 0 Then strout = strout & Mid$(strMapOut, intPos, 1) Else strout = strout & strChar End If Next IntI End If fnFixFileName = strout End Function Function fnFileNameOK(strIn As String) As String Dim strout As String strout = fnFixFileName(strIn, "/\?*" & Chr$(34), "-") fnFileNameOK = fnFixFileName(strout, ".", "") End Function Sub qSort(varAr As Variant, fld As Long, Asc As Boolean, NumberCol As Long, Optional lngL As _ Long = -2, Optional lngR As Long = -2) Dim lngI As Long Dim lngK As Long Dim lngJ As Long Dim varMid As Variant If lngL = -2 Then lngL = LBound(varAr, 2) If lngR = -2 Then lngR = UBound(varAr, 2) If lngL < lngR Then lngJ = (lngL + lngR) \ 2 varMid = varAr(fld, lngJ) lngI = lngL lngK = lngR If Asc Then Do Do While varAr(fld, lngI) > varMid lngI = lngI + 1 Loop Do While varAr(fld, lngK) < varMid lngK = lngK - 1 Loop If lngI <= lngK Then Swap varAr, lngI, lngK, NumberCol lngI = lngI + 1 lngK = lngK - 1 End If Loop Until lngI > lngK Else Do Do While varAr(fld, lngI) < varMid lngI = lngI + 1 Loop Do While varAr(fld, lngK) > varMid lngK = lngK - 1 Loop If lngI <= lngK Then Swap varAr, lngI, lngK, NumberCol lngI = lngI + 1 lngK = lngK - 1 End If Loop Until lngI > lngK End If If lngK <= lngJ Then qSort varAr, fld, Asc, NumberCol, lngL, lngK qSort varAr, fld, Asc, NumberCol, lngI, lngR Else qSort varAr, fld, Asc, NumberCol, lngI, lngR qSort varAr, fld, Asc, NumberCol, lngL, lngK End If End If End Sub Private Sub Swap(varArr As Variant, lng1 As Long, lng2 As Long, NumCol As Long) Dim varTemp As Variant Dim lngN As Long For lngN = 0 To NumCol varTemp = varArr(lngN, lng2) varArr(lngN, lng2) = varArr(lngN, lng1) varArr(lngN, lng1) = varTemp Next End Sub Hen >From: "Klos, Susan" <Susan.Klos at fldoe.org> >Reply-To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com >To: "'accessd at databaseadvisors.com'" <accessd at databaseadvisors.com> >Subject: RE: [AccessD] Word Automation >Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 08:12:23 -0500 > >Henry, I would like to learn more about how you do this. _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. 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