Mark L. Breen
subs at
Fri Mar 14 11:38:01 CST 2003
Hello All, I was not aware that a previous debate (sounds a little heated) had been already carried out. Sorry for duplicating the discussion. In the last few emails, Marcus was the only one that explicitly stated that he likes the idea of using Globals for a db connection. So leaving aside passing around an order nunber or a customer id as a global (which I would never even consider), what do you guys do to hand around a database connection? Do you use Globals or do you make the connction each time or do you use some kind of class. Any sample code would be interesting to read. What I do is have the following code in a module ' This will be the global connection that we will share, we open it once only and share it throughout the applications life Global gccnn As New ADODB.Connection Global Const gcstrConStr As String = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=spps40;Data Source=PC1" and then in the first form_load I have ' Give it a connect string gccnn.ConnectionString = gcstrConStr ' And make the connection gccnn.Open What do you guys think of this strategy, should I use a class to pass it around. And if I am not using a class, do you think that it is a little bit untidy or is downright bad practice. Again, I am just curious what the rest of the world is doing in their apps. Thanks Mark