Porter, Mark
MPorter at acsalaska.com
Tue May 27 19:38:49 CDT 2003
I have a secured Access 2000 file format database and want to use the /wrkgrp command line switch in a shortcut to associate with the workgroup on startup. This command switch is not working ( F:\sis\CCA_App.mdb /WRKGRP "F:\sis\CCA_Workgroup.mdw" ) the user accesses the correct file but under the system.mdw workgroup. I've verified that the file locations and the spelling are all correct. Any ideas? Thanks, Mark This transmittal may contain confidential information intended solely for the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this transmittal in error; any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this transmittal is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by reply or by telephone (collect at 907-564-1000) and ask to speak with the message sender. In addition, please immediately delete this message and all attachments. Thank you.