[AccessD] Problems closing XP

Paula Wright paulawright at boddienoell.com
Tue Nov 18 06:28:03 CST 2003

I have an Access XP database calling Crystal Reports 8.5.  I am desparate -
I've looked everywhere I can think of and still no answers.  
I have a crystl32.ocx embedded in my subform.  The main form is a
switchboard.  The problem is that the database will not shut down without
using CTRL-ALT-DEL after calling a Crystal Report.  I can open any subform
(including the subform with the ocx) and close without problems, but as soon
as I call the CR I have a problem shutting down.
I call Crystal Reports from the subform.  Here is a sample code:
Private Sub PNL_Recap_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_PNL_Recap_click
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Page 1 Report")
If rs![Month1 Occupancy] > 0 And rs![Month1 ADR] > 0 Then
DoCmd.Hourglass True
    Select Case Me.SelectRpt
        Case 1
            CrystalReport3.ReportFileName = "c:\Hotel Management
        Case 2
            CrystalReport3.ReportFileName = "c:\Hotel Management System\page1
        Case 3
            CrystalReport3.ReportFileName = "c:\Hotel Management System\page1
        Case 4
            CrystalReport3.ReportFileName = "c:\Hotel Management
    End Select
        CrystalReport3.Destination = 0
        CrystalReport3.WindowState = 2
        CrystalReport3.Action = 1
        DoCmd.Hourglass False
    MsgBox "You must fill out fields in ADR/Occupancy."
End If
Set rs = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " /PNL_Recap_Click"
    Resume Exit_PNL_Recap_click
End Sub
At first I was able to take the focus off the subform before shutting down
and that seemed to work, however that no longer works.  I've been told that
it may not actually be the CR causing the problem but something else.  The
problem is that it seems to work fine except when I open the CR.  That seems
to indicate that something is left hanging, but I don't know what and I don't
know how to close the CR programmatically.
Thank you
Paula Wright

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