[AccessD] POLL: Access Security

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Thu Nov 13 07:55:54 CST 2003

Hi Rocky

So why is JC's world so much different from yours and mine??


> Had to fool with it once on a legacy app and got around it.  But it was a
> big PITA.

> I generally roll my own by having the user log in with a password.  They get
> one of three levels of access to the whole system - 1) read only, 2)
> read/write, 3) admin.  I put their access level in a global variable.  Each
> form has to check the access level then to see if they are allowed to do a
> certain function.  So far, the three levels have been adequate and no one
> except for one client has wanted function of field level control.

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