[AccessD] Web based Project

William Hindman wdhindman at bellsouth.net
Mon Oct 20 21:17:25 CDT 2003

...got to admit that I'm thinking of XP here Stu which plays PnP very, very
nicely ...certainly can't say the same of Win9X or NT systems :(

William Hindman
So, then, to every man his chance -- to every man, regardless of his birth,
his shining golden opportunity -- to every man his right to live, to work,
to be himself, to become whatever his manhood and his vision can combine to
make him -- this, seeker, is the promise of America.
-- Thomas Wolfe

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stuart Sanders" <stuart at pacific.net.hk>
To: "'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'"
<accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 PM
Subject: RE: [AccessD] Web based Project

> > -----Original Message-----
> > ...lol ...thought all you Aussies spoke accented Microsoftese! ...PnP
> > ...Plug 'n Play :))))
> >
> > ...the point being that you were concerned that the users not
> > have to do
> > anything technical or difficult to run your program ...as long as the
> > printer is MS PnP compatible, it will install automatically
> > without them
> > having to do anything themselves ...and yes, every printer
> > from the major
> > manufacturers now comes PnP compliant ...I'd guess you'd be
> > safe with any
> > major brand printer less than three years old ...HTH :)
> If only....
> If it is a one printer to 1 pc deal then yes it should be straight
> But generally manufacturers like to tweak their drivers and release new
> which windows doesn't recognise, etc.  So if they buy a new printer and
plug it
> into their PC they are likely to get a message stating that windows has
found a
> new device and needs to install drivers.  In my experience the average
> non-technical user then stares blankly at the screen wondering what to do
> If it is a small office and the printer is shared, then you need to worry
> it is peer-to-peer or domain, has it been shared/configured for network
use.  On
> win2k and up PCs are nicer in that they will share drivers, so if it is
> successfully installed on 1 PC you can add the printer on to another PC
and it
> will grab the drivers from the first PC.  But even then, the average user
(in my
> experience) will need help mapping the printer onto a new PC.
> Plug and play ... Hah!
> Stuart
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