Developer at
Tue Sep 30 22:38:42 CDT 2003
Remember the good old days of 1999 when you could just walk away from a client like this? BTW - I'm a newbie, just signed on the list. (NYC-based independent contractor: Access, VB, SQL, MS-Office training, and when I can't get out of it, a little networking) Short answer is, when both sides have signed, that's your begin date. As for the penalty, YES - get their responsibilities in writing ... I have a client who pays me to keep re-importing their old system's data because by the time they check the import, it's a month out of date and they want all the new entries from the old system in the new system ... This is going on like this for six months, It's boring as hell and keeping me from getting started on their .net based intranet, but ... As long as they are paying, it doesn't matter. In your case, though, since they are making noise about not paying, make sure that the "clock stops" when you are waiting for them to test or review or deploy or whatever. Try to get the wording to be a count of days from execution, since you could lose a month just getting the lawyers from both sides to accept the document ("project will be completed 77 days from execution of this contract", for example). Hth, Steve -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Hadyn Morgan Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 10:22 PM To: AccessD at Subject: [AccessD] Project Official Start When do you say a project has started? I have a client that has said 'Yes' to a project, but has not signed off the spec, or the quote, and now wants to negotiate penalty clauses before they sign (if we don't deliver on time to the proposed end date (11 weeks from start of project) they reduce total payment by 8% for each full week we are late). I have managed to get them to exclude Acts of God etc, and have suggested that if they are to blame for the delay we should be allowed to charge them for the extra time. Any thoughts? Kind regards Hadyn --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.521 / Virus Database: 319 - Release Date: 23/09/2003 _______________________________________________ AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: