[AccessD] Create Junction Table From Existing Data

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Tue Apr 20 18:22:50 CDT 2004

On 20 Apr 2004 at 17:08, Mitsules, Mark S. (Newport Ne wrote:

> I did just that to create the primary tables.  But, since I've never had to
> do this on such a grand scale, I need assistance in generating the junction
> table.  Here is pseudo data for clarification.  I've placed dashes to
> maintain alignment.
> 1---EA1---SA--SAR--SRD
> 2---EEY1--SA
> 3---EEY2--SA--SAR--SRD
> ...from the data above, I need:
> 1---EA1---SA
> 2---EA1---SAR
> 3---EA1---SRD
> 4---EEY1--SA
> 5---EEY2--SA
> 6---EEY2--SAR
> 7---EEY2--SRD
> Any suggestions?

I'd do it in code.
Open the old data set and step through it.
For each record, step through the fields and create a new record in 
the new table where required.

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Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System 

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