John Fejsa
John.Fejsa at
Tue Aug 17 20:10:38 CDT 2004
Hi Everyone I have a very long import procedure that's executed from a menu option. I would like to open an "Import" message form and animate a file flying from one side of the form (one folder) to the other side (another folder) until the import is completed. I can easily do it with other applications but find very hard to do with Excel forms, for example when I use Microsoft Access, I use a Timer event and move the file fractionally every few seconds to simulate the movement. However, Excel forms do not appear to have Timer events like Access or VB. I tried to simulate a time event with Excel form but without success; can anyone help? I tried various methods with Excel but none worked. "Application.OnTime" looks promising but it does not work for me. Below is one method I used to test the procedure (while testing I just tried to show one image and hide another). Rather then having " BlinkMover" procedure executing every second as expected, the procedure acually executes only once (only when the calling "OpenSession" procedure is finished; defeats the reason for using the timer...) Any help would be greatly appreciated. Global variable =========== Public fBlinkMover As Boolean 'used with OPSES form to indicate whether to blink Public dTime 'Used to set time when to fire BlinkMover Procedure Procedures ========= Public Sub OpenSession() strFileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Workbook (*.xls), *.xls", , "Open your existing AIP session") If strFileToOpen <> False Then 'BLINKING procedure start 'START Blinking fBlinkMover = True 'Start BLINKING OPSES.Show 'Opne OPSES form - this form only has two images at the moment (imgPic1 and imgPic2 DoEvents dTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01") 'Set time to one second from now Application.OnTime dTime, "BlinkMover" 'Instruct the application to run "BlinkMover" procedure one second from now ...Do other work here... Workbooks.Open Filename:=strFileToOpen Sheets("Original_data").Select *Deleted code to make the procedure shorter for this email *Etc, etc, etc... 'STOP Blinking fBlinkMover = False 'Stop BLINKING - this will also stop BlinkMover procedure calling itself OPSES.Hide 'Hide OPSES form 'BLINKING procedure stop Sheets("Results").Select MsgBox ("AIP session has now been opened") Else 'User did not open End If End Sub Public Sub BlinkMover() If fBlinkMover Then 'Only execute if fBlinkMover is set to TRUE opses!imgPic1.Visible = Not opses!imgPic2.Visible 'Reverse visiblitiy (Show/Hide) opses!imgPic2.Visible = Not opses!imgPic1.Visible 'Reverse visiblitiy (Show/Hide) opses.Repaint DoEvents dTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01") 'Add another second to dTime Application.OnTime dTime, "BlinkMover" 'Call BlinkMover procedure again in one second End If End Sub Thanks for your suggestions. John Fejsa Senior Systems Analyst/Computer Programmer Hunter Population Health Locked Bag 10, WALLSEND NSW 2287 Phone: (02) 4924 6336 Fax: (02) 4924 6209 john.fejsa at The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.