[AccessD] EXCEL 2002: How do I user/simulate a Timer event in Excel form

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Mon Aug 23 15:20:15 CDT 2004

You might want to post the Excel question here or look through archives

John Fejsa wrote:

>Hi Everyone
>I have a very long import procedure that's executed from a menu option.
>I would like to open an "Import" message form and animate a file flying
>from one side of the form (one folder) to the other side (another
>folder) until the import is completed. I can easily do it with other
>applications but find very hard to do with Excel forms, for example when
>I use Microsoft Access, I use a Timer event and move the file
>fractionally every few seconds to simulate the movement. However, Excel
>forms do not appear to have Timer events like Access or VB. 
>I tried to simulate a time event with Excel form but without success;
>can anyone help? 
>I tried various methods with Excel but none worked.
>"Application.OnTime" looks promising but it does not work for me. Below
>is one method I used to test the procedure (while testing I just tried
>to show one image and hide another). Rather then having " BlinkMover"
>procedure executing every second as expected, the procedure acually
>executes only once (only when the calling "OpenSession" procedure is
>finished; defeats the reason for using the timer...)
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>Global variable 
>Public fBlinkMover As Boolean 'used with OPSES form to indicate whether
>to blink
>Public dTime 'Used to set time when to fire BlinkMover Procedure
>Public Sub OpenSession()
>	strFileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Workbook (*.xls),
>*.xls", , "Open your existing AIP session")
>	If strFileToOpen <> False Then
>'BLINKING procedure start
>'START Blinking
>		fBlinkMover = True 'Start BLINKING
>		OPSES.Show 'Opne OPSES form - this form only has two
>images at the moment (imgPic1 and imgPic2
>		DoEvents
>		dTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01") 'Set time to one
>second from now
>		Application.OnTime dTime, "BlinkMover" 'Instruct the
>application to run "BlinkMover" procedure one second from now
>...Do other work here...
>		Workbooks.Open Filename:=strFileToOpen
>		Sheets("Original_data").Select
>*Deleted code to make the procedure shorter for this email
>*Etc, etc, etc...
>'STOP Blinking
>		fBlinkMover = False 'Stop BLINKING - this will also stop
>BlinkMover procedure calling itself
>		OPSES.Hide 'Hide OPSES form
>'BLINKING procedure stop
>		Sheets("Results").Select
>		MsgBox ("AIP session has now been opened")
>	Else
>		'User did not open
>	End If
>End Sub
>Public Sub BlinkMover()
>	If fBlinkMover Then 'Only execute if fBlinkMover is set to TRUE
>		opses!imgPic1.Visible = Not opses!imgPic2.Visible
>'Reverse visiblitiy (Show/Hide)
>		opses!imgPic2.Visible = Not opses!imgPic1.Visible
>'Reverse visiblitiy (Show/Hide)
>		opses.Repaint
>		DoEvents
>		dTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01") 'Add another second
>to dTime
>		Application.OnTime dTime, "BlinkMover" 'Call BlinkMover
>procedure again in one second
>	End If
>End Sub
>Thanks for your suggestions.
>John Fejsa
>Senior Systems Analyst/Computer Programmer
>Hunter Population Health
>Locked Bag 10, WALLSEND NSW 2287
>Phone: (02) 4924 6336 Fax: (02) 4924 6209
>john.fejsa at hunter.health.nsw.gov.au
>The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.

Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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