[AccessD] Naming Conventions

DWUTKA at marlow.com DWUTKA at marlow.com
Tue Aug 10 15:52:49 CDT 2004

<JC>So what do I use for a counting byte?  Or a counting long?  The naming
convention I use (yes I realize that is I) has three character prefixes for
not only objects but data types as well.  Your point about "the whole world
doesn't program the same way" is of course valid.  But to program with the
convention I use I or J or K is NOT a valid variable?</JC>

That is exactly my point, that no one programs the same, which includes
'naming conventions'.  Since there is no truly established (and adhered too)
naming convention, anything works, and doesn't work, just as well/unwell.
And, you proved my point, 'to program with the convention I use', is just
like saying 'I like blue, so your red car is the wrong color'.  LOL.

Because there is no absolute standard, there is no way to program for those
that come after you.  YOU may like the code that you write, but the next guy
may use a different standard then you, and he will probably gripe just as
much about your convention as you do about someone elses.

To really write forward code, I (try to) stick to two rules.  One, stick
with the same naming convention throughout a project.  No matter what your
naming convention is, changing rules in mid stream is far more agitating
then just adjusting for a new convention.  Two, stick to the same
programming logic/style.

Personally, my pet peeve is goofy logic.  I honestly don't care what someone
uses as a naming convention, because I look at the logic the code is
running, rather then look at the names of the variables.  I have seen some
pretty bass ackwards logic in a lot of code.

Not too mention that existing Objects do not adhere to prefixed naming
conventions.  It's Me.Height, not Me.dblHeight.  Why?  Because Height is a
property, it's going to be a number.  When you look at someone's code, and
they refer to Me.Height, do you then go to the help, to find what data type
is used?  No, because quite frankly, data types are irrelevant until the
logic is satisfied.  If the logic works fine, you should already be familiar
with the variables in play.  Then it's only a matter of looking at the dim
statements to verify data types.  So when I create a Class, I use Properties
without prefixes, and I name the classes as to what they represent, without
a prefix.  It's not colForms("MyForm"), it's Forms("MyForm").  It's not Dim
rs AS objADODB.objRecordset, it's Dim rs AS ADODB.Recordset.  So if I build
an Class to represent an Inventory item, I would use Dim ii AS

Ack, wha?, spatter, spit, garble. That's right, Dim ii As InventoryItem.
Why? Because I code a LOT.  In VBA, VB, and ASP.  If I were to use:
objCurrentInventoryItem, that is 23 characters, versus TWO! I type around 80
words a minute, which is 400 characters a minute.  It would take me a minute
to type 17 of those variable names, versus typing ii 200 times!  That saves
time......by quite a bit.


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