[AccessD] Changing to newest version of ACCESS?

Francisco H Tapia my.lists at verizon.net
Tue Aug 17 15:15:26 CDT 2004

Jim DeMarco wrote On 8/17/2004 12:25 PM:

>Don't believe that A2K3 is all that bad.  We're still on A97 and moving to the latest/greatest by years end.  In spite of potential problems if you like better XML support and cool hooks from .NET world then it's still an interesting upgrade IMHO.  The SharePoint stuff seems pretty neat too.
>But would I upgrade a client if I didn't have a reason too?   NO!!!
A2003 has a lot of neat new features, heck One looke at the circuitboard 
image on the splash screen clued me in on that right away. ;o).  What 
I'm NOT liking is the use of the digital certificate that MS forces your 
users to click on now a days.  This is to help the clueless users ensure 
that they will be protected from "unauthorized" software.  Yet when you 
download anything from WinAmp to TaxCut, you never get a question of 
to promote healthy computing, it's only going to make your users 
Question why you didn't create a digital signature.  When you finally 
do, they'll ask why they have to authorize it.

I find that pointless and a hassle with newbee users.  Other than that, 
I can't find too many bad things to say about it, but I don't use A2003, 
I'm still developing in A2000.


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