Erwin Craps - IT Helps
Erwin.Craps at
Tue Jan 6 08:49:52 CST 2004
Hi guys Just brainstorming with myself to improve some stuff... We receive on a daily basis (7x7) a lot of excel files with data in it from several sources. We can not standarise those files for several reasons so we print these files en type the data manualy in Access. I was wondering if anyone ever has written a function so you could click the cells with the data and then right-click something and the data is passed to a recordset in Access depending on your multiselect order in Excel. Importing is not an option because these files change to much and are often to complex (more data in the file then we need). The data are boxoffice figures from cinema theatres. So the data we need as a result looks like this. Date1 MovieA Tickets Amount Date1 MovieB Tickets Amount Date1 MovieC Tickets Amount Date2 MovieA Tickets Amount Date2 MovieC Tickets Amount Date2 MovieD Tickets Amount The excel sheets can vary, it can be horizontal, vertical, double vertical double horizontal... So I believe a multi select would be a solution. I think it will be faster than printing and manual typing. I just want some code that put me on the road with this multiselecting thing and passing to Access. Erwin Erwin Craps Zaakvoerder This E-mail is confidential, may be legally privileged, and is for the intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and E-mail confirmation to the sender. IT Helps - I.T. Help Center *** Box Office Belgium & Luxembourg <> * <> * <> IT Helps bvba* ** Mercatorpad 3 ** 3000 Leuven IT Helps * Phone: +32 16 296 404 * Fax: +32 16 296 405 E-mail: Info at Box Office ** Fax: +32 16 296 406 ** Box Office E-mail: Staff at <mailto:figures at>