[AccessD] Hit the Wall?

Dan Waters dwaters at usinternet.com
Fri Jul 23 06:54:28 CDT 2004


How did you split the table up and apply limits to the width of the query?
Did your form change sources as the users moved from one area to another?

Unfortunately, there is no normalization I can do that would make any sense,
and wouldn't hurt the app.

I didn't know that queries has an 8K limit, but I hope I won't hit that.
Most of the fields are short text fields, or yes/no checkboxes.


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Michael Maddison
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 12:41 AM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: RE: [AccessD] Hit the Wall?


We hit this same problem and had to split the table up and apply limits
to the width of the query.
Be careful with the 8K row limit as well, you will likely run out of row
space well before 255 columns.

Our client insisted they wanted to scroll sideways over 5 years of data,
displayed monthly with
6 columns per month.  Our prototype had vertical scrolling but no no no
we want it like Excel ;-)))


Michael M

In an Access app w/FE and BE, I need a table that has about 270 fields.
A single form will be bound to the table.  (This is a business process
management application.)  If I upsize this to a project (never done
this), I can have up to 1024 fields in a table.


I tried creating a query to join two smaller tables, but queries are
also limited to 255 columns.


Is there a way around this so I can still use an Access BE?



Dan Waters

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