Gustav Brock
gustav at
Thu Jun 3 02:25:19 CDT 2004
Hi Jim and Eric Isn't error 3146 a pretty general ODBC error - when a connection cannot be established? /gustav > Shot in the dark but I recall having similar problems with an ODBC driver > once when I set it up as a file DSN rather than a system DSN. HTH > Jim Hale > -----Original Message----- > From: Eric Barro [mailto:ebarro at] > Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 10:35 AM > To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving > Subject: [AccessD] Error 3146 ODBC Call Failed > Access 97 front end using pass thru query that runs a stored procedure in > SQL server 7.0 > Error message: Error 3146 ODBC Call failed. > All other "processes" on the FE are working except for this sproc. When > sproc is run on SQL server 7.0 it runs fine but when run from the FE it > craps out. > Has anyone encountered this issue? If so what steps were taken to solve the > issue.