[AccessD] Another Translation Problem

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Sun Jun 13 18:49:31 CDT 2004

On 13 Jun 2004 at 8:01, Rocky Smolin - Beach Access S wrote:

> John:
> Thanks for that format.  It works:
>     Me.TabCtl140.Pages("&Header").Caption = TranslateMsgbox("Header")
> although I had to add the tab name to the Pages.  I found that you can also
> use an index number starting at zero as well.
> However, in order to display Chinese I have to change the font to Arial MS
> Unicode. This I do in the translate routines for the label and command
> button captions, but there doesn't seem to be any way to change the font on
> the tabs names themselves.
> Me.TabCtl140.Pages("&Header").FontName = "Arial Unicode MS"
> doesn't compile.  Apparently FontName is not a property of the tab control
> page headings.
> Does anybody know if the tab heading font can be changed?  I don't even see
> a way to do it in design mode.

The Tab control itself has properties FontName, FontSize , FontWeight FontBold, 
FontItalic and FontUnderline.

That means that you can't change individual page fonts, but you can change the 
font for the complete tab control.

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