Developer at
Fri Mar 26 16:13:20 CST 2004
I have had a massive hardware failure (50 gigs gone bad, only 75% backed up), and am thinking about moving to a RAID setup. Anyone have any specific recommendations on setup? I have a Win 2k server, but don't use a domain; there are 4 of us in my house on the LAN, but I'm ususally logged in on a few devices - let's call it 10 users max; just use the lan as p2p, with file sharing. Dedicate a machine to this task? Let everyone save to C:\, automate back-ups overnight? Or point everyone's MyDocuments to a network share, and bakup that ? On and on ... Any preferred hardware brands? it was a Maxtor that failed - nervously runnign off another one now? Tia4aa (thanks in advance for any adivce) Steve