[AccessD] Paging Recordsets

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Wed May 26 04:16:42 CDT 2004

Hi Martin

If you are using ODBC and do not need bound forms or reports, a
separate workspace and ODBCDirect could be useful.

Look up the on-line help on this.


> Anyone every done any work on paging large recordsets in Access. I want to
> look at the possibility of breaking up massive recordsets returned from SQL
> Server in page sets of say 100 records. Rather than pull them all at the
> start I want the user to be able to select Page 1, Page etc etc then move
> freely between pages.

> Only 100 records (or less) would be taken of the server at one time.

> I cannot use filters at the client end. All records MUST be available?

> MArtin

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