Bryan Carbonnell
carbonnb at
Thu Nov 18 20:26:20 CST 2004
On 18 Nov 2004 at 18:28, MarkH wrote: > Hello All (I sent his yesterday but it didn';t seem to get through...) > > Using AXP on WinXP > > I have two databases secured on different workgroups and accessed from > different front ends. I need to be able to import data from one into > the other but am having problems as they are secured on different > mdw's. I could merge the two mdw's but that would be a bit of a pain. > > Anyone know a simple solution? Create a new DAO workspace Private mwks As DAO.Workspace 'Workspace for the DB's to be opened in Private mdbBE As DAO.Database 'BE DB Reference 'Open the Workspace Set mwks = CreateWorkspace("AnyName", "UserName", "PassWord") 'Set Reference to BE, opened Exclusively Set mdbBE = mwks.OpenDatabase(Me.BEPath, True, False, Me.BEPassword) Now the mdbBE dao database object can be refered to just like you would with any other DAO database object. This is the approach that we took with the Alpha version of the BackEnd Upgrader that deals with back ends that were secured with Jet Security. -- Bryan Carbonnell - carbonnb at Unfortunately common sense isn't so common!