[AccessD] Itterate a collection

S D accessd667 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 22 01:16:34 CDT 2004

Hi group,
I've got a class that returns a collection....how the $#$ call I iterate that collection?
Here's the code I use in my form:
Private Sub cmdRetrieveTablenames_Click()
   Dim cDO As cDatabaseObjects
   Dim oColl As Collection
   Set cDO = New cDatabaseObjects
   Set oColl = New Collection
End Sub
Here's the code in the class cDatabaseObjects:
Public Function TableNames() As Collection
   On Error GoTo errHandler
   Dim oCatalog As New ADOX.Catalog
   Dim oTableNames As New Collection
   Dim oTables As ADOX.Tables
   Dim oTable As ADOX.Table
   Dim oConnection As New ADODB.Connection
   Set oCatalog.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
   Set oTables = oCatalog.Tables
   For Each oTable In oTables
      oTableNames.Add oTable.Name
   Set TableNames = oTableNames
   On Error Resume Next
   If oConnection.State <> 0 Then oConnection.Close
   Set oConnection = Nothing
   Set oCatalog = Nothing
   Set oTable = Nothing
   Set oTables = Nothing
End Function


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