Klos, Susan
Susan.Klos at fldoe.org
Fri Oct 29 13:06:02 CDT 2004
I think I am going to need an unbound report for this part of my application. I have several crosstab queries. Each is based on two joined tables and gives a summary of the number of clients per month who used various available services. i.e. how many clients per month ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner. How many stayed in the motel facility. How many stayed in the cabins. How many used the RV/Tent camping facility. Etc. My problem is that when I go to create a report there might be no clients using one or more of these facilities during any given month. How do I create a report that will show the usage as 0 during a month where the query that I want to fill the report has no February, March, or April fields because no guests camped during those months? Susan Klos Senior Database Analyst Evaluation and Reporting Florida Department of Education 850-245-0708 sc 205-0708