Darren DICK
d.dick at uws.edu.au
Wed Sep 8 00:57:21 CDT 2004
Hello all This used to work now I get Run Time Error 13 - Type Mismatch Then the debugger yellows out the "Set rst" line Any suggestions Dao 3.6 is referenced Dim dbs As Database rst As Recordset iBookingID As Integer Set dbs = CurrentDb iBookingID = [Forms]![frmBookings].[BookingID] ===> this line fails Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT [People].[PersonID] FROM People INNER JOIN BookingPeople ON BookingPeople.PersonID = People.PersonID WHERE not isnull([EmailAddress]) and BookingID = " & iBookingID & ";", dbOpenDynaset) Many thanks in advance Have a great day Darren