Steve Erbach
erbachs at
Tue Feb 22 09:24:27 CST 2005
Randy, >> Thanks for the encouraging words. Right now these certs and 50 cents will get me a cup of coffee!! <bg> << Hey! You oughta move up to Wisconsin. At least you could get a cup of coffee AND A REFILL with that 50 cents. Your story certainly confirms the idea that we're heading for a credentialized society, eh? Steve Erbach On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 9:17:39 -0500, randall.anthony at <randall.anthony at> wrote: > Steve, > > Thanks for the encouraging words. Right now these certs and 50 cents will get me a cup of coffee!! <bg> > > If I've read most of the respondent's right, the majority are independent or small shop pros and I think have a greater control over their own fate, in a way. In my small part of the world, defense/government contracting is king. Almost every employment app/resume I've sent/filled out (about 30 over the past 2 months) have you list your college degree (preferably with a copy of your transcript), and any certifications attained. (I'm paraphrasing the following) In government request for proposals, "labor categories will define qualified applicants as having a four year degree and/or certifications and X-amount years of experience and only in special circumstances will proficiency/experience substitute for any of the above." > > Here's a breakdown; application developer Joe, with 10 years experience, no degree, Betty, application developer with 10 years experience, college degree, and Ann, application developer with 10 years experience, college degree, and MCSD. If all are on the same project, the company can charge the government this: > > Joe, $38 loaded labor rate. > Betty, $46 ditto. > Ann, $51 ditto. > > Hope this further clarifies things from my point of view. > > Oh, and like others have wrote, thank you, listers, as this board has helped me out of coding jams more times than I can remember. > > Randy.