[AccessD] Relinking Foxpro Tables

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Fri Feb 25 04:21:48 CST 2005

Hi David

I have no firm advice on this. But you could try two things.
First, can't you link dbf files directly (dBase x files)?
Second, what happens if you replace CurrentDb with DBEngine:

     Set mdb = DBEngine(0)(0)

If that adds nothing, you could try to not use RefreshLink but delete
the tables and relink them.


>>> newsgrps at dalyn.co.nz 24-02-2005 20:04:34 >>>

At 24/02/2005, Gustav Brock wrote:
>Hi David
>First, I think TABLE=""; should be omitted from the connect string.
>Second, where/why do you close the mdb - cannot see that.
>Third, try to refresh the TableDefs collection:

First - Thanks - deleted table=.

Second - I was manually closing and opening the database.

Third - Have added this to my code.

Here is more information.

1) Initially I link the tables using File .. Get External Data .. Link

Tables.  Files of Type = ODCB Databases.  Machine Data Source = Visual

FoxPro Tables.  Configuration Connection = Free Table Directory.  I
select the directory which holds the tables.  Next pops up a list of
available to be linked.  I select all.  Then for each table I need to 
select a unique record identifier.

In the table properties the description field holds the following:
ODBC;DSN=Visual FoxPro Tables;SourceDB=d:\CLIENTS\PM 

The connect field in MSysObjects holds the following:
DSN=Visual FoxPro Tables;SourceDB=d:\CLIENTS\PM 

The name field in MSysObjects holds the following:

At this point I can edit data in the tables.

2) Then I run my code the table properties the description field
changes to:
ODBC;DSN=Visual FoxPro Tables;SourceDB=D:\Clients\PM 

The connect field in MSysObjects holds the following:
DSN=Visual FoxPro Tables;SourceDB=D:\Clients\PM 

At this point when I open the table I still have the data from the old

table showing.  I am unable to delete it.  Closing the database and
it in Access still doesn't help.  It is only when I close Access down
reopen it that the new tables are appearing.  Even then I am not able
change any data (this last point doesn't matter as we just want to
the data for reports but I thought I would throw it in anyway).

Here is the current code:

--Code on the cmd button:
Private Sub cmdDataLink_Click()

     On Error GoTo Err_cmdDataLink_Click

     If basDataFileLink() = True Then
         MsgBox "Data files linked successfully."
         MsgBox "You will need to make sure that the data files are
before you can run any reports."
     End If

     Exit Sub

     Select Case Err
         Case 0
             MsgBox "No Error", vbCritical, "Link Data"
         Case Else
             Call basErrorMsg("cmdDataLink_Click")
     End Select
     Resume Exit_cmdDataLink_Click

End Sub

Public Function basDataFileLink() As Boolean

     On Error GoTo Err_basDataFileLink

     Dim mdb As DAO.Database, mtbl As DAO.TableDef, strDataPath As
strNewConnect As String

     Set mdb = CurrentDb

     Call basInfo("Linking data files.")
     basDataFileLink = False
     If IsNull(Me!txtDataFolder) = True Then Me!txtDataFolder = " "
     strDataPath = Me!txtDataFolder
     strNewConnect = "ODBC;DSN=Visual FoxPro Tables;SourceDB=" & 
strDataPath & 
     For Each mtbl In mdb.TableDefs
         'Only check this table link if this table IS linked.
         If InStr(mtbl.Connect, "DSN=Visual FoxPro Tables") <> 0 Then
             mtbl.Connect = strNewConnect ' & mtbl.Name
         End If

     Set mdb = Nothing
     basDataFileLink = True

     DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmInfoForm"
     Exit Function

     Select Case Err
         Case 3011
             MsgBox "Unable to find all the data files.", vbCritical,
To Data Files"
         Case Else
             Call basErrorMsg("basDataFileLink")
     End Select
     Resume Exit_basDataFileLink

End Function

If anyone is interested in testing it for me I can send sample tables.


David Emerson
Dalyn Software Ltd
25 Cunliffe St, Churton Park
Wellington, New Zealand
Ph/Fax (04) 478-7456
Mobile 027-280-9348 

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