[AccessD] [OT] Treeview again - set checked proprty on node at form open

MarkH lists at theopg.com
Sat Jan 22 18:07:43 CST 2005

Hello again...

I am opening a form with a treeview which is used for selecting records
(checkboxes enabled). When the form opens I want to tick any records
that already exists.

i.e. I cycle the nodes and if I get a match I set the nodes checked
value to true. Very simple and if I fire the code from a command button
that can be clicked after the form is loaded it works fine.

Problem is, even though the code hits the node.checked=true line during
form open (and load, I tried both) the nodes are not actually checked
:@(, even if I set the checked value to true when creating the node in
the first place.

It seems I can only affected the checked value after the form is fully

Any ideas much appreciated


PS - yes I am a sad git, it's Saturday night and I'm in front of a PC

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