[AccessD] [OT] Treeview again - set checked proprty on node at form open

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Sat Jan 22 18:27:41 CST 2005

On 23 Jan 2005 at 0:07, MarkH wrote:

> It seems I can only affected the checked value after the form is fully
> loaded.

Probably true.  Try setting it in the first Activate, Resize or GotFocus 
events, then setting a flag so that it isn't run on subsequent events.  All 
of the above run after the Load, Open and before the Current events

> Mark
> PS - yes I am a sad git, it's Saturday night and I'm in front of a PC
> ;@(

It's Sunday morning here and I've just sent out an updated FE to a customer 
that I was working on last night and this morning :-(


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