[AccessD] Re: bound to be my problem

Francisco Tapia fhtapia at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 19:11:32 CST 2005

ok... I found out my own problem.. tracing the process I found that I
was re-populating the txtRRID textbox with the first records ID and
when the search function kicked in, it would find the first record
only making it appear that nothing was happening...

so I found my own problem :) thanks for your time...

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 13:57:58 -0800, Francisco Tapia <fhtapia at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been beating at this all morning.. while I can get the
> recordset bookmark to move correctly in the following "bound" subform,
> I can't seem to get the record selected so that the end user can use
> it.
> any ideas?
> CODE snip:::
> Dim rsInProcess As adodb.Recordset
> Set rsInProcess =
> Me.frm_007N_sbfrmINprocess.Form.Recordset.Clone(adLockReadOnly)
> rsInProcess.Find "RRID = " & Me.txtRRID, , adSearchForward, adBookmarkFirst
> Me.frm_007N_sbfrmINprocess.Form.RRID.SetFocus
>    If rsInProcess.EOF = False Then
>              Found = True
>              Me.frm_007N_sbfrmINprocess.Form.Recordset.Bookmark =
> rsInProcess.Bookmark
>   End If
> rsInProcess.Close
> Set rsInProcess = Nothing
> ::::END CODE snip
> --
> -Francisco
> http://pcthis.blogspot.com | PC news with out the jargon!

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