Charlotte Foust
cfoust at
Fri Jul 15 10:11:11 CDT 2005
The closest you come to a DAO.Field object is the ADOX.Column object. Charlotte Foust -----Original Message----- From: John W. Colby [mailto:jwcolby at] Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:25 PM To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' Subject: RE: [AccessD] Reporting field properties I have tried the same thing with the ADODB.Field object but there is nothing like the wealth of properties that DAO makes available, and I see nothing like SourceTable and SourceField. Anyone know if this is possible with ADO? John W. Colby Contribute your unused CPU cycles to a good cause: -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of John W. Colby Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:28 PM To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' Subject: [AccessD] Reporting field properties As part of the reporting app I am writing for the call center, I need to do some data validation and report fields that fail the validation. The query that pulls data for the reports can come from many different tables, as many as 8 or 10. The issue is how to report that the data in FieldName X in TableName Y is invalid. I have to build a report of data that fails the validation, and issue the report so that the data can be fixed. For example some fields are critical to the client, i.e. "do not send the record in the report if the data in fields A, F, G, K, or X are missing". The nature of this business is that data is collected piecemeal over time but specific pieces just absolutely have to be there before these reports (data extracts) can be sent to the client. I already have a system that builds classes to hold the reporting information about the export, the record and the fields IN THE QUERY but one thing that is tough to get (directly) is the actual table name and field name in the source field of a query. As a result I designed a little class to accept a field object from DAO and grab specific properties from that field object. The specifics looks something like: In the class header: Private mstrForeignName As String Private mstrName As String Private mvarDefaultValue As Variant Private mblnAllowZeroLength As Boolean Private mblnDataUpdatable As Boolean Private mvarOriginalValue As Variant Private mblnRequired As Boolean Private mlngSize As Long Private mstrSourceField As String Private mstrSourceTable As String Private mintType As Integer Private mstrValidationRule As String Private mstrValidationText As String Private mvarValue As Variant Private mvarVisibleValue As Variant And the class method that accepts a field object and pulls these properties out: Public Function mReadClassProperties(lFld As DAO.Field) On Error GoTo Err_mReadClassProperties On Error Resume Next With lFld mblnAllowZeroLength = .AllowZeroLength mblnDataUpdatable = .DataUpdatable mvarDefaultValue = .DefaultValue mstrForeignName = .ForeignName mstrName = .Name mvarOriginalValue = .OriginalValue mblnRequired = .Required mlngSize = .Size mstrSourceField = .SourceField mstrSourceTable = .SourceTable mintType = .Type mstrValidationRule = .ValidationRule mstrValidationText = .ValidationText mvarValue = .Value mvarVisibleValue = .VisibleValue End With Exit_mReadClassProperties: Exit Function Err_mReadClassProperties: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Function clsDAOFld.mReadClassProperties" Resume Exit_mReadClassProperties Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function And of course methods to read the property values: Public Property Get pForeignName() As String pForeignName = mstrForeignName End Property Public Property Get pName() As String pName = mstrName End Property Public Property Get pDefaultValue() As Variant pDefaultValue = mvarDefaultValue End Property Etc etc. The reason that I store these field properties in my own class is that I need to gather the data about each field in the big query one time, as the recordset is opened, rather than each time a record is read (for speed). I am currently really only interested in the static stuff like SourceField and SourceTable but for completeness just added the rest. Notice that some of the field properties are dynamic and some are static, i.e. some are about data and others are about the format of the data. I could (and probably will eventually) break this down into two methods, one that grabs the static properties such as AllowZeroLength, DefaultValue, SourceField, stuff like that ONE TIME, and another method that grabs the dynamic data every time the record changes - Value and Original Value, stuff like that. At any rate, I now have a class that I can open a recordset from a query, iterate through the fields collection instantiating one of these classes for each field, then save the properties at the instant the recordset opens. I then have any static properties - specifically of interest right now is SourceField and SourceTable - to use whenever I need to report or log a field as being empty. John W. Colby Contribute your unused CPU cycles to a good cause: -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: