[AccessD] Data Export Spec - Rev1

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Sun Oct 23 13:25:26 CDT 2005

Hi Stuart

That's right. This is used here as well, not by all but a few banks.
My previously posted code snippet is designed to handle that too; just let 

  strDecimal = vbNullString

In fact, it will even handle decimal separators of type Space and of any length(?!) ...


>>> stuart at lexacorp.com.pg 22-10-2005 23:57 >>>
On 22 Oct 2005 at 11:45, John Colby wrote:

> Are you discussing a report generator or a data export facility?  Generally
> data import programs don't want or need thousand separators, only data left
> of the decimal point, the decimal point, and N places behind the decimal
> point.

Except for the standard bank transfers files used here where they don't 
want the decimal point either. In US terms, they want the amount to be 
expressed as cents, right justified in a 12 character field.

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