[AccessD] .NET Form Object Frameworks -- WAS: Data interface Thebest way

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Mon Oct 24 11:08:08 CDT 2005

Hi Shamil

Not that I had planned to do anything with Visual Basic but the thoughts of this Bruce is an eye-opener:

By the way, any of you using VB, note his book is available on-line at no charge.
Link is in the links below.


>>> shamil at users.mns.ru 24-10-2005 14:15 >>>
.NET seems to provide some answers:
Yes, .NET is much better to build such frameworks.
And taking into account a very sad story of Bruce McKinney(http://brucem.mystarband.net/) - the author of excellent book "HardCore Visual Basic":


I'd not recommend now to spend any time on hardcore experiments with VBA - it is not worth the trouble...

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