Susan Harkins
ssharkins at
Fri Dec 8 18:15:59 CST 2006
I actually wrote about that function once, but couldn't find the article! :) It's really, really old and covered with dust somewhere. ;) Error 18 -- I'll try it! ;) Susan H. Hi Susan 18 Or create a list for yourself with DAO: Function AccessAndJetErrorsTable() As Boolean Dim dbs As Database, tdf As TableDef, fld As Field Dim rst As Recordset, lngCode As Long Dim strAccessErr As String Const conAppObjectError = "Unspecified error code" On Error GoTo Error_AccessAndJetErrorsTable ' Create Errors table with ErrorNumber and ErrorDescription fields. Set dbs = CurrentDb Set tdf = dbs.CreateTableDef("AccessAndJetError") Set fld = tdf.CreateField("ErrorCode", dbLong) tdf.Fields.Append fld Set fld = tdf.CreateField("ErrorString", dbMemo) tdf.Fields.Append fld dbs.TableDefs.Append tdf ' Open recordset on Errors table. Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("AccessAndJetErrors") ' Loop through error codes. For lngCode = 0 To 9999 '3500 On Error Resume Next ' Raise each error. strAccessErr = AccessError(lngCode) DoCmd.Hourglass True ' Skip error numbers without associated strings. If strAccessErr <> "" Then ' Skip codes that generate application or object-defined errors. If strAccessErr <> conAppObjectError Then ' Add each error code and string to Errors table. rst.AddNew rst!ErrorCode = lngCode ' Append string to memo field. rst!ErrorString.AppendChunk strAccessErr rst.Update End If End If Next lngCode ' Close recordset. rst.Close DoCmd.Hourglass False RefreshDatabaseWindow MsgBox "Access and Jet errors table created." AccessAndJetErrorsTable = True Exit_AccessAndJetErrorsTable: Exit Function Error_AccessAndJetErrorsTable: MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description AccessAndJetErrorsTable = False Resume Exit_AccessAndJetErrorsTable End Function /gustav >>> ssharkins at 08-12-2006 18:08:14 >>> I need a common error number for an example using Raise. I can't come up with one that shows anything interesting! ;) Susan H. -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: -- No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.15.9/573 - Release Date: 12/5/2006