John Colby
jwcolby at
Sun Jan 15 10:07:22 CST 2006
Have you ever wanted the ability to replace markers in boiler plate? I have been building up a wizard for building class /controller class pairs, something I use all the time. Part of the process is to insert boilerplate text such as: 'CopyRight: |CopyRightVal| '.========================================================================= '.Description : '. '.Written By : |AuthorVal| '.Date Created : |DateVal| ' Rev. History : ' ' Comments : 'THESE CONSTANTS AND VARIABLES ARE USED INTERNALLY TO THE CLASS '*+ Class constant declaration Private Const DebugPrint As Boolean = False Private Const mcstrModuleName As String = "|ClsNameVal|" And then be able to replace the markers: |CopyRightVal| |AuthorVal| |DateVal| |ClsNameVal| With values either pulled from a string replacement table or generated by the code. |CopyRightVal| |AuthorVal| Come from a table of marker / replacement strings, and |DateVal| |ClsNameVal| Are values that the class generation code determines at run time. In order to do this I built a child class / controller pair. The child class holds the data from tblStringReplacement where the data looks like: Orig Text Replacement Memo The controller class loads the data from the table into child class instances, then has a pair of methods to do the replacements. One method replaces all markers that it can find in the table (looking in the child classes), the other method performs a replacement of a marker passed in and a replacement string passed in (used for Runtime marker replacements). The classes look like: '******************* 'Begin Code Code Code Code '******************* Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private mOrig As String Private mReplacement As String Function mInit(lOrig As String, lReplacement As String) mOrig = lOrig mReplacement = lReplacement End Function Property Get pOrig() As String pOrig = mOrig End Property Property Get pReplacement() As String pReplacement = mReplacement End Property '******************* 'End Code Code Code Code '******************* Which holds the data in the tblStringReplacement - one class per record and: '******************* 'Begin Code Code Code Code '******************* Private mstrTblName As String Private mstrIdentFldName As String Private mcolclsSystem As Collection Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set mcolclsSystem = New Collection End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Set mcolclsSystem = Nothing End Sub ' 'strIdentFldName used as the key into the collection if present ' Function mInit(strTblName As String, Optional strIdentFldName As String = "Orig") On Error GoTo Err_mInit mstrTblName = strTblName mstrIdentFldName = strIdentFldName ClsFactory Exit_mInit: Exit Function Err_mInit: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Function clsStrReplaceCtl.mInit" Resume Exit_mInit Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function Private Function ClsFactory() On Error GoTo Err_ClsFactory Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim lcls As clsStrReplace Dim fld As ADODB.Field Set cnn = CodeProject.Connection Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset rst.Open "SELECT * FROM " & mstrTblName, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic With rst While Not .EOF Set lcls = New clsStrReplace lcls.mInit .Fields("Orig"), .Fields("Replacement") If Len(mstrIdentFldName) > 0 Then mcolclsSystem.Add lcls, CStr(.Fields(mstrIdentFldName)) Else mcolclsSystem.Add lcls End If .MoveNext Wend End With Exit_ClsFactory: On Error Resume Next If Not (rst Is Nothing) Then rst.Close: Set rst = Nothing If Not (cnn Is Nothing) Then cnn.Close: Set cnn = Nothing Exit Function Err_ClsFactory: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Function clsSystemsCtrl.ClsFactory" Resume Exit_ClsFactory Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function Property Get cStrReplace(varVal As Variant) As clsStrReplace On Error GoTo Err_cStrReplace Set cStrReplace = mcolclsSystem(CStr(varVal)) Exit_cStrReplace: Exit Property Err_cStrReplace: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Property Get clsStrReplaceCtl. cStrReplace" Resume Exit_cStrReplace Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Property ' 'This function will search a string for a specific marker passed in. 'Where found, the marker will be replaced by the replacement passed in. ' Public Function mReplaceMarker(strToProcess As String, strMarker As String, strReplacement As String) On Error GoTo Err_mReplaceMarker Dim intPos1 As Integer Dim intPos2 As Integer Dim lstrToProcess As String Dim lstrProcessed As String Dim lstrMarker As String 'Dim lstrReplacement As String Dim blnMarkerNotFound As Boolean lstrToProcess = strToProcess 'intPos1 = 1 Do blnMarkerNotFound = True lstrMarker = "" ' 'Look for a marker ' intPos1 = InStr(intPos1 + 1, lstrToProcess, "|") If intPos1 > intPos2 Then intPos2 = InStr(intPos1 + 1, lstrToProcess, "|") If intPos2 > intPos1 Then lstrMarker = mID$(lstrToProcess, intPos1 + 1, intPos2 - intPos1 - 1) If Len(lstrMarker) > 0 Then blnMarkerNotFound = False On Error Resume Next If lstrMarker = strMarker Then ' 'I only use the lstrProcessed so I can watch the process as I am programming it. 'Replace this when debugged ' 'lstrReplacement = cStrReplace(lstrMarker).pReplacement lstrProcessed = Replace(lstrToProcess, "|" & lstrMarker & "|", strReplacement) lstrToProcess = lstrProcessed Else intPos1 = intPos2 + 1 End If 'intPos1 = intPos2 + 1 Else End If Else End If Else End If Loop Until blnMarkerNotFound mReplaceMarker = lstrToProcess Exit_mReplaceMarker: Exit Function Err_mReplaceMarker: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Function clsStrReplaceCtl.mReplaceMarker" Resume Exit_mReplaceMarker Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function ' 'This function will search strings for embedded "replacement markers" denoted by |SomeValue| 'Where found, these replacement markers will be looked up in the tblStrReplacement (the loaded collection) 'and if found, the replacement marker will be replaced with the replacement value. ' 'If not found, the Replacement marker will be left in place untouched. ' Public Function mReplaceMarkers(strToProcess As String) As String On Error GoTo Err_mReplaceMarkers Dim intPos1 As Integer Dim intPos2 As Integer Dim lstrToProcess As String Dim lstrProcessed As String Dim lstrMarker As String Dim lstrReplacement As String Dim cSR As clsStrReplace Dim blnMarkerNotFound As Boolean lstrToProcess = strToProcess 'intPos1 = 1 Do blnMarkerNotFound = True lstrMarker = "" ' 'Look for a marker ' intPos1 = InStr(intPos1 + 1, lstrToProcess, "|") If intPos1 > intPos2 Then intPos2 = InStr(intPos1 + 1, lstrToProcess, "|") If intPos2 > intPos1 Then lstrMarker = mID$(lstrToProcess, intPos1 + 1, intPos2 - intPos1 - 1) If Len(lstrMarker) > 0 Then blnMarkerNotFound = False On Error Resume Next Set cSR = mcolclsSystem(lstrMarker) If Err = 0 Then ' 'I only use the lstrProcessed so I can watch the process as I am programming it. 'Replace this when debugged ' lstrReplacement = cStrReplace(lstrMarker).pReplacement lstrProcessed = Replace(lstrToProcess, "|" & lstrMarker & "|", lstrReplacement) lstrToProcess = lstrProcessed Else intPos1 = intPos2 + 1 End If On Error GoTo Err_mReplaceMarkers 'intPos1 = intPos2 + 1 Else End If Else End If Else End If Loop Until blnMarkerNotFound mReplaceMarkers = lstrToProcess Exit_mReplaceMarkers: Exit Function Err_mReplaceMarkers: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Function clsStrReplaceCtl.mReplaceMarkers" Resume Exit_mReplaceMarkers Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function '******************* 'End Code Code Code Code '******************* The following code tests the control class clsStrReplaceCtl: '******************* 'Begin Code Code Code Code '******************* Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private mclsStrReplaceCtl As clsStrReplaceCtl Function StrReplaceInit(strTbl As String) If mclsStrReplaceCtl Is Nothing Then Set mclsStrReplaceCtl = New clsStrReplaceCtl mclsStrReplaceCtl.mInit strTbl End If End Function Function StrReplaceTerm() Set mclsStrReplaceCtl = Nothing End Function Public Function cSRC() As clsStrReplaceCtl Set cSRC = mclsStrReplaceCtl End Function Function TestReplace() Dim strToTest As String Dim strResults As String StrReplaceInit "tblStrReplace" strToTest = "This is a |specific| test. |Author| is a very nice guy. His phone is |Phone|. His email is |email|. I hope that this is enough to |test|" strResults = cSRC.mReplaceMarkers(strToTest) Debug.Print strResults strToTest = strResults strResults = cSRC.mReplaceMarker(strToTest, "specific", "Very specific") Debug.Print strResults strToTest = strResults strResults = cSRC.mReplaceMarker(strToTest, "test", "work with") Debug.Print strResults End Function '******************* 'End Code Code Code Code '******************* Author, Phone and Email will be found in the table, Specific and Test will be "run time replacement" tests. This is a rather example of how I use child / controller classes. The data gets cached to speed up access to what would non-changing data in a table, and then accessed from child classes stored in a collection in the controller. I have pretty much finished an Add-in to build the child / controller class pair for a given table. The add-in uses this string replacement system. It was an interesting exercise in frustration trying to get the finished classes to save properly (thanks Shamil for the solution). John W. Colby