Max Home
max at
Thu Jul 20 13:08:27 CDT 2006
Well that's ok. I wouldn't call that cheating. I would call it clever! Regards Max -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of MartyConnelly Sent: 19 July 2006 23:20 To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving Subject: Re: [AccessD] CDOSYS I cheat. I use Google Desktop Search. It indexes all the files I have squirreled away and various url's I have visited over the years. It means, I can lookup stuff in 10 seconds. Just remember a lot of the CDO version stuff on the net was written for NT and Win98 etc. and may no longer be applicable. Max Home wrote: >Marty, How do you know all this. One clever guy (Gustav too and many >others on this site - just brilliant!). > >Thanks I will now read (and try to understand) it. > >Regards >Max > >-----Original Message----- >From: accessd-bounces at >[mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of MartyConnelly >Sent: 19 July 2006 19:44 >To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving >Subject: Re: [AccessD] CDOSYS > >Microsoft Collaboration Data Objects 2.0 CDOSys >;en-us;6384 >and > _ >techsel_tech_1.asp > >However you have to grok the various flavours of CDO, I think you >only want to use CDOSys > >Relationship between 1.x CDO Libraries and CDOSYS.DLL > > >Why? >CDOSYS is not a direct replacement for CDONTS (1.x) nor a replacement >for CDO (1.x), >they can be used on the same system concurrently, if required. If a >program or script needs >to work with messaging objects using Microsoft Exchange Server as well >as the >SMTP and NNTP protocols, it can simultaneously access the CDO (1.1, 1.2, >1.21) Library, >the CDO (1.1, 1.2, 1.21) Rendering Library version, the CDONTS (1.x) >Library, >and the CDO for Windows 2000 (CDOSYS) Library. An application running on an >Automation controller such as Visual Basic can call all these libraries >and coordinate their activities. > > > > >Max Home wrote: > > > >>Thank you Gustav, >>Would you know where I can get any documentation on CDOSYS. All I can seem >>to find are snippets of code but no overview or documentation. If it comes >>pre-installed with the OS, then presumably somebody at MS thought it might >>be needed but forget to let the un-Intelligentsia how to use it?? >> >>Regards >>Max >> >>-----Original Message----- >>From: accessd-bounces at >>[mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Gustav Brock >>Sent: 19 July 2006 16:14 >>To: accessd at >>Subject: Re: [AccessD] CDOSYS >> >>Hi Max >> >>First, forget anything about MAPI ... they are only joking and yes, e-mail >>handling can be quite confusing. >> >>Then, SMTP is really what you need. The only but important issue you may >>experience is, that many corporations block outgoing mail from >> >> >workstations. > > >>In those cases you'll need to go through the corporate SMTP server - not >>hard but not automatically set up for you. >> >>Again, the Chilkat component may do much of the dirty work for you: >> >> >> >>It is not free (about USD 100) but it will save you hours of hard work. >>CDOSYS is free and already installed on most Windows machines but its way >> >> >of > > >>handling mail in an ADO style is hard to comprehend and requires twice as >>much code as for any decent control of which Chilkat is one. >> >>Note that sent SMTP e-mail is never stored except at the final destination. >>If the sender wish to save a copy (like most e-mail clients do as default), >>it is up to the sender (the e-mail client) to do this. A very simple method >>is to bcc a copy to a "Sent" account. >> >>/gustav >> >> >> >> >> >>>>>max at 18-07-2006 22:07:18 >>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>Hi Gustav, >> >> >>1. Within Outlook I can Set up a Pop3 Email Account to retrieve email from >> >> >a > > >>web based Server. I can reply to these emails using Outlook and SMTP. I can >>also send these replies using CDOSYS (based on Marty's program) thus >>AVOIDING using Outlook and it's absurd security (which I bypass using >>ClickYes) but this is s.l.o.w. for large email groupings. >> >>2. Within Outlook I can Set up an IMAP Email Account to retrieve email from >>a web based Server (web mail). I can reply to these emails from within >>Outlook which will also synchronize the emails with those sitting on the >> >> >web > > >>server (web mail). What I CANNOT DO and what I would like to do is to send >>IMAP based emails without using Outlook and the reason is that there is >>nowhere within Marty's program to tell it to use SSL (which is a >> >> >requirement > > >>of the server hosting the web mail) or to tell it which ports to use. >> >>I hope the above clarifies my needs. I apologize to all for any confusion >>and regret not having explained it properly in the first place. It would >>appear that there is no easy/cheap option here. >> >>Thanks >> >>Regards >>Max >>-----Original Message----- >>From: accessd-bounces at >>[mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Gustav Brock >>Sent: 18 July 2006 18:47 >>To: accessd at >>Subject: Re: [AccessD] CDOSYS >> >>Hi Max >> >>That did cause if not problems then confusion. >> >>And it still does. IMAP is for retrieving mail from a mail server, SMTP is >>for sending mail. Further, you can use an installed Outlook to send mail >>without bothering about SMTP and other mail configuration, but if you wish >>to bypass or ignore Outlook you need to send with SMTP via your >>corporate/hosted/in-house mail server or via your ISP's mail server, or >>directly to the receiver's mail server. >> >> >> >> >> >>>>>max at 18-07-2006 19:12:26 >>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>Marty, I am so sorry. I meant to say SMTP not Pop3. I hope this hasn't >>caused you (and others) any problems. >>It sends email via SMTP and I would like to send it via IMAP so that it >>appears to come as if from the webmailer without having to go through >>Outlook (I can do it via Outlook with no problem) but not from within your >>program. >> >> >>Regards >>Max >> >> >> >> >> > > > -- Marty Connelly Victoria, B.C. Canada -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: