[AccessD] Save Files to PDF

Kath Pelletti kp at sdsonline.net
Fri Jun 30 02:27:52 CDT 2006

Vlad - I have done something similiar using pdf995 as the pdf printer. You have to buy the p9fedit995 version as opposed to pdf995 version.

Rather than describe it, I (hope no-one minds) that I have pasted the content of an old email from John Ruff to me on this subject. Like John, I have found their support to be great and the autoname function great. The only hassle is the need to install the printer on each PC and also set the autoname function on each PC. 

Here it is:



I have successfully used pdf's pdf995 and pdfEdit995 (www.pdf995.com) to
prevent the dialog box from popping up.  I too went to them for the
answer and they promptly replied.  I think pdf995 and pdfEdit995 are
great tools and for the cost of $20.00 USD for the entire suite, quite

Here is my response with code to a similar question posted on
p2p.wrox.com' vba_Access newsgroup.

After purchasing the products and playing with them, I asked pdf for
assistance in creating a pdf file automatically. Here is my original
request and their response. (They responded within 24 hours.)

Subject: Automatically Generating a PDF File Through MS Access
I recently purchased your Suite License. I am trying to create a pdf
file automatically through MS Access. My report has PDF995 as it's
printer and when I go to print the report via code, the Save As dialog
box pops up asking me what directory to save it in and what file name.
Is there a way that I can programatically tell the program which
directory and file name to use?
The followng code will automatically print the report when I press a
button on a form when I have the Printer set to a Printer and not

Dim strDir As String
Dim strFile As String
strDir = "C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\My
Work\PDF Report Files\"
strFile = Format(Now(), "hh-nn") & ".pdf"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptBirthdays", acViewNormal

How can I have the program automatically create the pdf file and place
it in the strDir directory with the strFile name.

Here is their response:

PdfEdit has autoname features. I recommend setting the PDF to be named
based on the document being printed. Create a temporary report with the
name of the PDF you want and tell it to print to PDF995. The Save As
dialog won't appear.
-pdf995 Support

And here is my final coding to create the pdf file:

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
' If you don't want the report dialog box being displayed
' asking what name you want to give the pdf report, you will
' need pdfEdit995. With pdfEdit995 you tell pdf995 what directory 
' and what file name to initially give the pdf report. 
' Quote from PDF; "pdfEdit995 has autoname features. I recommend setting

' the PDF to be named based on the document being printed. Create a 
' temporary report with the name of the PDF you want and tell it to 
' print to PDF995. The Save As dialog won't appear."
Dim strDir As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim fOK As Boolean
' Directory to place the PDF files that are to
' be printed
strDir = "C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\My
Work\PDF Report Files\"
' Name of file to create
strFile = Format(Now(), "hh-nn") & ".pdf"
' Create the report
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptBirthdays", acViewNormal
' Copy the created file (name is Output.pdf) to the
' directory and file name specified above
fOK = CopyFile_TSB(strDir & "Output.pdf", strDir & strFile)
' If the file didn't copy properly, tell the user 
If Not fOK Then
MsgBox "File Copy Failure"
End If
End Sub

Function CopyFile_TSB(strSource As String, strDestination As String) As
' Comments : copies a file ' Parameters: strSource - source file
' strDestination - destination file
' Returns : True if successful, False otherwise
Const BufferSize = 4096
Dim strBuffer As String * BufferSize
Dim strTempBuffer As String
Dim intSourceFile As Integer
Dim intDestinationFile As Integer
Dim lngCounter As Long
On Error GoTo PROC_ERR
intSourceFile = FreeFile
Open strSource For Binary As #intSourceFile
intDestinationFile = FreeFile
Open strDestination For Binary As #intDestinationFile
For lngCounter = 1 To LOF(intSourceFile) \ BufferSize
Get #intSourceFile, , strBuffer
Put #intDestinationFile, , strBuffer
Next lngCounter
lngCounter = LOF(intSourceFile) Mod BufferSize
If lngCounter > 0 Then
Get #intSourceFile, , strBuffer
strTempBuffer = Left$(strBuffer, lngCounter)
Put #intDestinationFile, , strTempBuffer
End If
Close #intSourceFile
Close #intDestinationFile
CopyFile_TSB = True
Exit Function
CopyFile_TSB = False
End Function

I know this sounds like a commercial for pdf, but when I find software
that works well I like to let others know. John

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: ACTEBS 
  To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving 
  Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 4:08 PM
  Subject: [AccessD] Save Files to PDF

  Hi Everyone,
  I have a small application that merges DB info to Various Word
  documents. What I would like to do is be able to save those Word Docs as
  PDF files so they can be emailed. The problem I see after reading heaps
  of info on the internet, is that the save as dialogue box will pop up
  asking what name you wish to save the resultant PDF file to. Is it
  possible to get around this? 
  The other issue is not all users have Adobe Acrobat PDF printers on
  their machine. Some have free versions of PDF creators so we need to be
  able to allow the user to select the PDF printer to use. I hope I have
  explained myself enough for you guys to understand what I'm trying to
  Any help, or links would be greatly appreciated.
  AccessD mailing list
  AccessD at databaseadvisors.com
  Website: http://www.databaseadvisors.com

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