[AccessD] MULTI SELECT LISTBOX dynamically selecting values from another listbox

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Wed May 3 19:23:24 CDT 2006

On 4 May 2006 at 7:52, Tom Keatley wrote:

> The code below works fine for the single value but I need to loop thru
> the values in my first line to make it work.....should be simple but I
> simply cant get it to work
> Dim intI As Integer
>         Dim strIDValue As String
>         strIDValue = 73221
>         For intI = 0 To Me!listcon1.ListCount - 1
>            If Me!listcon1.ItemData(intI) = strIDValue Then
>               Me!listcon1.Selected(intI) = True
>            End If
>         Next intI
> This code will select line 73221

Aircode so it may need some debugging, but the general idea is there:

        Dim intI As Integer
        Dim intl2 as Integer
        Dim strIDValue As String
        Dim strIDs() as String    
        Dim strCurrentValue as String

        strIDValue = "73221,7259,13771,2"

        strIDs() = split(strIDValue,",")
        For intl2 = 0 to ubound(strIDs)
          strCurrentValue = strIDs(intl2)
          For intI = 0 To Me!listcon1.ListCount - 1
             If Me!listcon1.ItemData(intI) = strCurrentValue Then
                Me!listcon1.Selected(intI) = True
             End If
         Next intI
       Next intl2

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