[AccessD] MULTI SELECT LISTBOX dynamically selecting valuesfrom another listbox

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Wed May 3 22:09:35 CDT 2006

On 4 May 2006 at 9:59, Tom Keatley wrote:

> Hi Stuart.....
> It seems when you assist me it always is with a Split function <grin>
That's because it's a very useful function :-)

> My problem in this case is this database is in A97 ....No split
> function .... Any Idea how I can solve it WITHOUT using Split?

You can get an A97 Split function, along with A97 versions of several other A2K functions at 

I'd suggest you keep them all in a module that you can paste into your apps on demand :-)

If you don't want to use Split(), you could do it this way:

Dim intI As Integer
       Dim intl2 As Integer
       Dim strIDValue As String
       Dim lngCurrentValue As Long
       strIDValue = "73221,7259,13771,2"
        strIDValue = strIDValue & ","  'to pick up the last value in the loop below
        lngCurrentValue = Val(strIDValue) 'get the first number
        strIDValue = Mid$(strIDValue, InStr(strIDValue, ",") + 1) 'get rid of the first number

          For intI = 0 To Me!listcon1.ListCount - 1
             If Me!listcon1.ItemData(intI) = lngCurrentValue Then
                Me!listcon1.Selected(intI) = True
             End If
         Next intI
Loop Until InStr(strIDValue, ",") = 0

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