[AccessD] Useful Lists

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Tue Nov 14 15:15:39 CST 2006

On 14 Nov 2006 at 10:20, artful at rogers.com wrote:

> All these years I have been under the (clearly false) impression that
> precise population-numbers defined these terms. Apparently I have wrong, lo
> these decades. I have just taken a local poll (only 4 people) and the
> agreement here is that a city is 100,000 people or more; a town is 999,999
> people or fewer; a village is 2,000 people or fewer; a hamlet is 500 people
> or fewer. We four Canadians readily agreed on these numbers, but that might
> be something we picked up in school that has no relation to the larger
> world.

In the UK, a city  was originally a town with a cathedral. It is an actual 
status conferred on an urban area by the monarch.

I believe that in the US, individual states define their own cities in 

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