[AccessD] Checkbox dates

Steve Schapel miscellany at mvps.org
Sun Jul 15 01:19:05 CDT 2007


Not wishing to imply that I disagree with you in any way, because I like 
what you are suggesting.  However...

A.D.TEJPAL wrote:
> ... If the form happens to be in
> continuous form or datasheet view, an unbound check box would be
> untenable, leading to absurd display.

Just to be clear that I was not suggesting a totally unbound checkbox on 
the form, but rather one whose Control Source is like this:
=[TheDateField] Is Not Null
This serves the purpose of displaying, even on a continuous view form, 
whether the date has been recorded for each record.  And equally, the 
code I suggested earlier, on the Enter event of the checkbox, can be 
used to manage the date data.

I am just relating to how I have done this type of process in the past. 
  I am certainly not claiming that it is superior to yours or John's 
suggested approaches.  But I do know that it has effectively and simply 
served the purpose for me in various scenarios.

Next time I need this type of functionality, I will be considering the 
idea of an extra (redundant ;-) ) field in the table, as you have described.


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